Ease the perfectionists pain
May 23, 2011 6:56 AM

What are the non-plus-ultras(simply the best,the cream of the crop) of every thinkable subject you know of ?

Hello dear hivemind
My silly perfectionist me is set at ease every time i get to know of the non-plus-ultra(simply the best,nothing above it) of a specific subject.For example if there would be a milkfoamer to rule all milkfoamers, I would probably henceforth be in love with this milkfoamer (remember the part with the silly me?)
It is really not quite easy to google for something like this as everyone and then a few others more are advertising for their product as just this.
By the way, it hasn't even to be affordable, I'm speaking of the very best you can get with all the money in the world.
So if you know of something like this, please tell me
posted by TheWalkingQuestionMark to Shopping (2 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Without a pretty clear specific goal for this it's pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

What are the non-plus-ultras

I hate to be a perfectionist, but the term you're thinking of here is ne plus ultra.

Anyway, as for the best of the best, for cars: Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini.
posted by dfriedman at 7:02 AM on May 23, 2011

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