Need a Women's Writing Group Online
May 20, 2011 7:10 AM

I'd like to join an online women's writing group. Poetry, essays, short stories.

Some criteria - spiritual, safe and vibrant. Possibly survivor oriented. Hopefully with some structure writing, doing exercises and being part of something very cool online and free.

It's important that the place be supportive. Any ideas - please post or memail. Thanks so much.
posted by watercarrier to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Oh well, nobody is replying but I see there are 4 people who favorited this - so apparently there is some interest. Memail me if you want to start a group - I'm hip.
posted by watercarrier at 11:14 AM on May 21, 2011

I'm not a part of this community, but it was spotlighted a while ago, and may be a good place to start - for resources, even if the comm itself isn't your cuppa!
posted by mccn at 7:13 AM on June 6, 2011

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