What device will allow me to tether?
May 17, 2011 4:04 AM

Australia smart phone filter: I need to buy a new smart phone. I would like one that will allow me to occasionally connect my laptop to the internet. (Tethering?) Clearly I'm not that tech savvy so I don't want to jailbreak (?) etc. Is this possible with any smart phone on the market in Australia?

Extra info:
I currently use an iphone. I am happy to switch brands. I only really use the iphone for basic email/calendar/maps/music/a few basic apps like train timetables etc and quick searches.

I travel about twice a month for work (in Aust) and don't want to pay for a separate mobile internet connection or pay exorbitant hotel internet charges. So my internet use while on my laptop is not that data-heavy just basic email/file transfers/admin type stuff.

Thank you.
posted by MT to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
My HTC desire can be tethered to my laptop under a Telstra contract. I belive all the HTC Android phones will do this.
posted by elephantday at 4:16 AM on May 17, 2011

Android 2.2 and above should have tethering and WiFi hotspot (I'm using a Desire HD that has them). I don't know anything about Australian carriers, though - you never know what nasty roadblocks a carrier might put in place.
posted by Leon at 4:28 AM on May 17, 2011

Iphones will do tethering no worries. With the latest OS, you can even just use them as a wifi hotspot. Apart from Telstra having been annoying about it in the past, which I think they got over, I don't think there are any carrier issues with tethering.

You shouldn't have to do anything, really, apart from go into settings and turn on wifi and 'personal hotspot'. It's pretty self-explanatory.
posted by pompomtom at 4:54 AM on May 17, 2011

I use an iPhone on Telstra and tether all the time - no additional fees beyond the standard data package I have for the phone itself.
posted by russm at 5:10 AM on May 17, 2011

(if you have an original 3G rather than a 3GS or 4 then it won't do the personal hotspot thing, but normal tethering can run over Bluetooth so you don't need a cable other that to keep the phone charged)
posted by russm at 5:13 AM on May 17, 2011

Confirm that iPhone (3GS) on Optus/Virgin will tether. You do need to give them a call and request it be enabled, but there's no additional charge (for me, check your contract blahblahblah).
posted by coriolisdave at 3:51 PM on May 17, 2011

My iPhone 3GS on TPG works fine for tethering (but on TPG you do have to explicitly enable it through a web interface - a one time thing).

As an aside, remember to doublecheck the costs for data on whatever plan you have, and keep an eye on your data usage. Oh and watch out for autoupdating software on your laptop as it could unexpectedly chew up your data quota (OS updates, virus definitions, etc.).
posted by snap, crackle and pop at 6:02 PM on May 17, 2011

Thanks everyone. I've worked out I can actually use tethering with my current iphone. Unfortunately the battery is losing its charge too quickly, so I will be looking at other options for a new handset in the next few months, including Android phones.
posted by MT at 2:40 AM on May 18, 2011

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