Fun golf courses in northern Vermont?
May 11, 2011 11:29 AM

What are some good golf courses in northern VT?

For my father-in-law's birthday, mrs. pdb and I were thinking of getting him a gift certificate for a round of golf. He lives in Rutland, VT, and while I've been there a few times I didn't really scout out golf courses while I was there.

I know there's a fair few courses up around Stowe, and that's not too far for him to go for a day - but what I don't know is, what are the good ones, and are there more down towards Rutland that I'm not aware of? Any suggestions for a golf course between Rutland and Stowe would be great.

He's a decent golfer (about a 15 handicap) and he's not looking for an "ultimate challenge" or anything like that - we just want to get him a fun day out with some of his friends on a course that's challenging but not impossible.
posted by pdb to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total)
Vermont National is a Nicklaus-designed course, very hard, but fun and beautiful.

The Burlington Country Club is also very nice, but I haven't been in a few years.

Kwiniaska, The Willison Golf Club, and West Bolton are also all really fun, beautiful courses, but they don't have the money behind them that the country clubs do.
posted by brand-gnu at 11:59 AM on May 11, 2011

Killington between Rutland and Stowe. Course looks nice, can't vouch for it more than that.
posted by MattD at 2:31 PM on May 11, 2011


Country clubs are out, because, well, they're country clubs and not open to the public. I'm looking for a daily-fee course that's a little challenging but not so hard as to not be fun. I'll check in to those other three you listed.
posted by pdb at 3:03 PM on May 11, 2011

I drive by Green Mountain Golf Course near Killington on my way to Rutland all the time. Looks like a beautiful and challenging course, but I haven't played it.

The Montague Golf Club in Randolph is a nice course too. Again, haven't played it, but it is closer than Stowe.
posted by terrapin at 5:44 PM on May 11, 2011

BTW, not all "country clubs" in Vermont are closed to the public.
posted by terrapin at 5:45 PM on May 11, 2011

I know that you can play as a member of public at the Country Club of Barre which is about an hour drive from Rutland. It is a challenging course and is one that my dad plays about 3 times a week. After that you can wander around Montpelier or head up to Waterbury for some Ben & Jerry's.
posted by koolkat at 2:03 AM on May 12, 2011

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