Best Flash Cart for Nintendo DS Lite?
May 5, 2011 2:51 AM

Avid/experienced Nintendo DS Lite gamers, what would you recommend as the best Flash Cartridge for my new NDSL? I'd like to have as many options and features as possible within reason (dollars and sense-wise).

I'm not looking for the lowest price; I'd like the smartest choice, and I don't have the knowledge to discern that. At the moment I'm looking at R4 Revolution for DS, which seems affordable and widely used.

Wikipedia's entry on NDS storage devices has managed to completely confuse me, though. Because – and this is important – I am newbie. So far with my current flash cart of unknown provenance (free with NDSL purchase on eBay), I've been able to back up games, download and run games/apps (some work, some don't), load new themes (plus my own homemade themes). I've had problems with media options.

If you've ordered online, I'd also love a recommendation there; I'm in Greece, so UK/European sources are best, but even with a U.S. or other English language supplier a link to [specific item] would be helpful so I know precisely what to search for. I'll probably get the cartridge + micro SD card, because I'd like a second/bigger SD card.
posted by taz to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (11 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I'll add one thing here as a comment since it isn't integral to the main question: one of the things I'd love to do is be able to use my NDSL as an e-reader – not to read books, but I like text-style logic and lateral-thinking puzzles, and I find lots of those online; instead of creating a text file for my Kindle (which means I have to interrupt whatever actual book I'm reading just to access the puzzle text when I want it, and then navigate back to my book in progress when I want to read), I'd rather have them on my gaming device – so I'm looking at homebrew stuff for using my ds lite for reading txt or PDF files. (Or, if necessary, I can just create some sort of image file from the text).

This is just an example of one way I'd like to use the ndsl, and I'll probably find other things I'd like to access/create/use. I'd like to be able to browse MeFi and email on my device and am looking at what is available via commercial or homemade options. Since I'm just now dipping into possibilities, I don't really know what I need or should have in order to assure that I'll pretty much be able to use my new toy in a variety of ways – many of which I probably don't even know about yet.
posted by taz at 3:16 AM on May 5, 2011

I have had an R4 since 2009. Recently I added the Wood kernel to it and it is running almost anything I throw at it.

You do need to be careful though. I have a colleague here who bought an R4 that ALMOST looks identical, but it is in fact an R4 SDHC, and it won't run Wood, and community support seemed to be a bit poor.

I can't comment too much on using it as a media player. I have run a movie or two on it, but it really isn't why I use it.
posted by Frasermoo at 6:27 AM on May 5, 2011

I had a Supercard Lite & Superkey a while ago, loved them both. Unfortunately stolen with my DS Lite in late 2009.

I replaced the DS Lite shortly after but only recently replaced the flash cart. This time I went with the newest model from the same company, Supercard TWO. It supports e-reader functionality among other things.

Check their official dealer list for advise on where to purchase.

Sounds like a big advert for them, but it's the only brand I have experience with and the experience has been a good one.

Keep in mind - as per the wikipedia entry - the R4 device is a 2nd generation. If you're getting a cart, future-proofing dictates you should look at 3rd gen devices as they seem to be much more powerful.
posted by cmetom at 6:27 AM on May 5, 2011

I purchased a Supercard TWO within the last month and have been very pleased with it - and like cmetom said, it is a 3rd gen device so you're likely to have fewer problems with it in the future.
posted by _DB_ at 8:31 AM on May 5, 2011

Thirding the Supercard DSTwo. Here is an article from Lifehacker reviewing several cards. At their suggestion I bought mine from ModChipCentral and had great luck. I am however in the US, I have no idea if they even sell into Greece (though they list their prices in US dollars and Euros).
posted by rtimmel at 1:47 PM on May 5, 2011 and SHOP will post to Greece.

I can't help you with flashcart suggestions since I bought mine a while ago and know very little about them. FWIW, I have a CycloDS Evolution for slot-1 + EZ Flash V 3 in 1 Expansion Pack for slot-2.
posted by Bangaioh at 3:20 PM on May 5, 2011

I should have added that I bought my DS carts from the above European stores with no problems but I've only dealt with each all of once so far.
posted by Bangaioh at 3:25 PM on May 5, 2011

I use an M3, and haven't had many problems
posted by Lovecraft In Brooklyn at 5:39 PM on May 5, 2011

My wife and any remotely interested relatives all have Acekard 2i cards. They 'just work', and the AKAIO firmware/interface thingy is nice. There are plenty of Greek retailers who stock it.
posted by obiwanwasabi at 6:24 PM on May 5, 2011

(Forgot - for an e-reader, try IkuReader. Screenshots.)
posted by obiwanwasabi at 6:52 PM on May 5, 2011

Thank you, everyone! I'll probably get the Supercard DSTwo. I'm really glad I asked, because the point about the 3rd gen cards is just what I needed to learn. For anyone else looking at this question, I found this very helpful info from a GBA/DS community site: The Supercard DSTwo Beginner's Guide.

THANK YOU, obiwanwasabi, for the IkuReader tip!!! Using it now!
posted by taz at 4:00 AM on May 7, 2011

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