Silk cord bib necklace
April 8, 2011 5:29 PM

Help me identify a type of jewelry (artist or style) which I first saw in Bilbao, Spain.

Not this kind.

I passed by 2 stores in Bilbao where I briefly saw a kind of jewelry (bib necklaces, bracelets, earrings) where the main design of the jewelry consisted of silk or satin cord wound on a fabric background in much the same way this necklace is done, but in a much more baroque style (second one in from the left, first row) than that particular design. The designs included pearls and bright, vibrant colors, as well as beads.

I could not be sure, but it seemed like perhaps a particular artist was associated with this kind of jewelry, as there was a pamphlet set up next to a necklace at one store.

I have tried searching google, but have no idea what I am searching for. The two links you see above are the fruit of 2 weeks of looking.

I have no idea if this jewelry is specific to the region or if it is something that is imported. Any ideas are welcome. I would have stopped at these stores, but I was not in a position to do so at the time.
posted by oflinkey to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
try looking for "soutache" or "soutache jewelry"?
posted by Rube R. Nekker at 6:20 PM on April 8, 2011

Rube, thank you! That was the word I needed to find the right type of jewelry! This may be what I saw.
posted by oflinkey at 10:00 PM on April 8, 2011

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