World of Warcraft trivia
March 24, 2011 11:23 AM

It's a trivia call to arms! I've been tasked (last minute) with hosting a 1-hour World of Warcraft trivia session.

I'm scrambling for trivia questions to ask. I've started my own list of questions, have got some friends already on the job, and am trying to find a WoW trivia calendar. Between all of that, we've got a good 80-90% of the questions taken care of.

But, I was hoping the hive-mind might have a few cool/funny questions for my audience, ideally revolving around easter eggs or pop-culture references. (I'm trying to stay away from heavy Lore questions, because they are boring and who reads quest text?) I play regularly, but only Horde, so any Alliance tidbits would be especially appreciated.
posted by Wossname to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (12 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
This is a good place to start.
posted by restless_nomad at 11:29 AM on March 24, 2011

(probably too easy but)
What Monty Python delectable can be purchased at the Darkmoon Faire?
posted by Glinn at 11:44 AM on March 24, 2011

You can have a lot of fun with this. No real resources to direct you to, but make sure you don't overlook all the subtle (and very much not subtle) pop-culture references within WoW. Johnny Awesome's "Look at yourself. Quickly, look back at me" Old Spice reference, quest names like Dread Head Redemption... Perhaps you can tie that into your trivia? Sort of a "Name that pop-culture reference" sort of thing?
posted by xedrik at 12:03 PM on March 24, 2011

The TriviaBot addon has a couple of question packs that you could probably look at for inspiration.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 12:04 PM on March 24, 2011

Geography-based stuff like:
-Name the cities/outposts you can get to, by flyer, directly from city/outpost A.
-Name four sub-zones in the Badlands
-Name all of the capture stations in Alterac Valley

Early quest stuff:
-What is the name of the Lion you blow the horn for?
-What is the name of the final boss in Wailing Caverns?

Then stuff that people pay no attention to:
-How much mana does it cost to cast the highest level Flash Heal?
-What is the max duration of Sap?
-How many items fit in to a mageweave bag?

They are not hard if you know them, but they call on various crafting knowledge, different classes, and paying attention to the little stuff.
posted by milqman at 12:04 PM on March 24, 2011

You need to throw in a question about the location of Mankirk's wife. Trust me, it will get laughs/groans.
posted by greasy_skillet at 12:31 PM on March 24, 2011

I just want to suggest that you might consider the evolution of WoW within your questions as well. Like, there are no levels of spells anymore. A lot of the trivia stuff out there is already well out of date, especially when you consider in new races/classes added. I'm not sure who exactly your audience is, but I would ask completely different trivia questions to people who had been playing for one expansion than to people who were playing since Vanilla.
posted by Zophi at 1:07 PM on March 24, 2011

In addition to the WoWwiki link, there's the Wowpedia version, which looks like it has a few more. (The folks who used to run WoWwiki and the Wikia people had a parting of ways and many editors migrated to a new site, from what I gathered.)

I would suggest being clear on which version of WoW you're asking questions about, since the latest release changed nearly all of the classic low-level quests that old school players would remember, and people might get rules-lawyery about the answers. (For instance, there's no more Beaten Corpse, alas.)

Other things that come to mind:

* Which World of Warcraft systems designer has been immortalized in the form of a rare elite crab that spawns in the Abyssal Depths? Ghostcrawler (Or Greg "Ghostcrawler" Streets.)

* Which NPC could once be found in Westfall, as their younger self in Old Hillsbrad, and later in the Grizzly Hills, but now players must aid Lt. Horatio Laine in solving their murder? Old Blanchy.

posted by rewil at 1:14 PM on March 24, 2011

World of Warcraft quizzes on There are all kinds of quizzes there. You can click on the html versions and get the quiz questions and multiple choice answers, but to get the correct answers you have to take the quiz!
posted by garnetgirl at 2:54 PM on March 24, 2011

Thanks a bunch so far, folks. I really like some of the meta stuff.

To those who want to know more about the audience -- it's going to be at a general sci-fi/fantasy/anime/gaming/comics convention. I generally do a machinima panel and we get a mix of casual and long-term players.
posted by Wossname at 5:11 PM on March 24, 2011

There might be some trivia around the memorials in Warcraft, such as:

Shrine of the Fallen Warrior, in memory of Michel Koiter, a Blizzard illustrator.

The quest Kyle's Gone Missing, designed by Ezra Chatterton, who got to design a quest as part of his Make-A-Wish foundation wish.

Crusader Bridenbrad, a quest line in memory of Bradford C. Bridenbecker, brother of a Blizzard employee.

The quest Alicia's Poem, in memory of player Dak Krause.

In Loving Memory, a memorial stone in Hillsbrad Foothills in memory of player Anthony Stark
posted by Wuggie Norple at 7:04 AM on March 26, 2011

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