Copernic Desktop Search Tips and Tricks
April 28, 2005 2:45 AM

I have started using Copernic Desktop Search after testing a number of search products. Now, I would like to learn the various tips and tricks, or undocumented features to become a power user. How does one go about doing that?

After testing out X1 and Google Desktop, I really liked the simplicity and usability of Copernic Desktop Search. So, I started using it to search my email and my files (including network files). After the initial woes with the first indexing (takes awfully long), everything works fine.

One problem I had with Copernic was that there wasn't an obvious way to limit your search to the name of the files you are searching (by default it searches the content as well).

Then I came across the user reviews at, and the April 13 user review mentions preceding your query with "@filename=" to limit your search to the filename.

I went through the whole help file and the whole Copernic site, but can't find where it is mentioned. I tried searching for similar tricks or undocumented features at Google by searching for sites that mention Copernic and "@filename=" but of course Google strips out the @ and the = sign, and that doesn't help.

Does anyone know additional tricks? Is there a site dedicated to listing these? For example, another thing I would like to learn is if you can limit your email search only to those emails that have an attachment (you can do this in X1 by placing a "-" sign in the attachment box, another undocumented feature).
posted by tuxster to Computers & Internet
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