Meyer's Dark Rum--how to drink it?
February 27, 2011 3:39 AM   Subscribe

I received a gift: a bottle of Meyer's Dark Rum. How do I drink it?

Never really drank rum before and know almost nothing of it. Is Meyer's Dark Rum the good stuff or otherwise?

I tried it straight--just for testing purposes--and I found it rather harsh. I mixed it in with some Pepsi, and the first couple of sips tasted quite good, but when the fizz petered out it tasted pretty terrible.

So how should I drink it? More to the point, how do you drink it? Hivemind, help me.
posted by zardoz to Food & Drink (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: double post accident. -- jessamyn

I'm by no means a big drinker, but I do like a splash of dark rum with a nice iced coke. I find though that there is a very small balance between the right amount and too much, and that it is easy to overdo it. I put less rum in there than I would some whiskey, so maybe see if you might have also made the same mistake.

You can make plenty of cocktails with dark rum too, but again I'm not a cocktail drinker so I can only suggest that direction to you.
posted by tumples at 4:02 AM on February 27, 2011 [1 favorite]

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