Flying with a Newborn
February 23, 2011 8:40 AM

Logistics of traveling solo with an infant. Looking for tips regarding carriers, going to the bathroom, changing a baby on the plane. I'll be flying Alaska Air and I'd love any special tips for flying these small planes or even Alaska in particular.

NOTE: I'm planning to check my carseat as I also had a C-section and the thought of lugging around a carseat (there's one layover) is daunting if it ends up I don't have a spare seat to put it in on the flight. I find it very awkward and heavy to carry her in it -- I don't know how Moms do that! I've read all the car seat check/not to check threads so I don't think I need more info on that.

I've got reservations for my husband and I to fly out to visit family this week but I'm contemplating heading out early solo. Eeek!

My baby is about 2.5 months so still pretty small. I've got a Moby wrap, Baby Bjorn and an Ergo carrier. I haven't really used any of these with her. My husband has worn her in the Ergo and a sling. Any thoughts on which carrier might be best? What worked for you and why? The Moby seems like a pain in the ass. The Ergo seems like it would be pretty great although kind of bulky. We haven't tried the Bjorn yet.

And, silly stuff, but how do I use the bathroom myself either in the airport or on the plane -- put her on the floor? I suppose a sling would be easier in terms of using the bathroom while wearing her... it doesn't have the hip belt like the Ergo.

Doing a baby diaper change on the plane -- I'm assuming the bathroom floor is the only spot? How have you managed?

Other questions: Do you like to pre-board or wait till the end? What kind of strategies do you have for either breastfeeding or bottle feeding on takeoff/landing? Any special treatment I should ask for?

I'm still trying to get a handle on what I can bring through security regarding baby food and snacks for me so if you have recent experience with this, would love to hear it.

What question am I not asking?
posted by amanda to Travel & Transportation (28 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Some planes have fold-down tables that you can use for diaper changing. Also, there are little caddies you can strap to your car seat to tug it around the airport. I absolutely would not have considered a carry-on carseat solo because it's near impossible to get down the aisle without smashing the heads of other passengers, especially without an ambulatory kid.
posted by mkb at 8:57 AM on February 23, 2011

Hi, took a three month old hiking in the Pyrenees and the same child to Borneo at 18 months:

OK, for your age, a Baby Bjorn is great. I walked up a mountain for four hours and it was fine.

Diaper changing on planes is fairly easy (toilet seat, sometimes) and most airports have pretty good facilities.

One thing to watch is young children's ears. I'm told they can have trouble equalising pressure meaning they scream all flight. That said, never happened to us.

Kid just goes on your lap normally with another seatbelt. For longer flights, get a seat next to the bulkhead and one of the those basket things.

My wife said breastfeeding was no problem during the flight. I can't imagine doing it during takeoff though - you'll probably have to wait.

Babyfood etc. you'll have to check with the airline. Ditto car seat, I imagine.

Small planes are fine too. They just go on your lap, as with big planes.

Actually, travel with one child is surprisingly OK. Am taking two (4yrs and 6months) to Guatemala next month. I may be less sanguine after that.
posted by rhymer at 8:58 AM on February 23, 2011

Usually plane bathrooms have a little drop down table over the toilet for changing diapers. Depending on how long the flight is, you might not even need to change her on the plane at all, in which case, all airports have changing stations in their bathrooms. If there's an empty seat next to you, you can probably get away with changing her on the seat or in your lap (unless it's poopy, then you might want to be more discrete).

As for going to the bathroom yourself, definitely the sling, or even just holding her (practice at home!). When my son was a newborn, I took him to the bathroom a few times, it was hard to get the hang of it, but it's easily done once you're used to it. Please don't put baby on an airplane or airport floor!

You can bring any baby food through security if you pull it out of the diaper bag before hand. I've brought through a plain bottle of water to mix formula, and I've also brought through a half eaten bottle of formula, and also a bottle of liquid formula, all without problems.

Feeding, or pacifier during take off works wonders.

If you're traveling solo, pack as light as humanly possible.

I carried my son through security, they were very nice to me. Make friends with the air stewards, be very nice and polite and dress the baby cutely and in clothes that don't have stains.

*some* planes have bassinets for lap babies. You can call the customer service line of the airline you're flying, with your reservation number, and ask them about that. They just drop down from the wall in front of you. If you don't get seating with one, bring your Boppy Pillow. Boppy Pillows are amazing for traveling!!

If you're traveling alone, check the car seat. Check everything you can. And bring an extra shirt for yourself incase she pukes all over you (most people bring an extra onesie for baby, but forget about themselves).

i have found that the younger the infant, the better they are on the plane. A 2.5 month old should do perfectly! Good luck :)
posted by katypickle at 9:07 AM on February 23, 2011

Not sure if the same applies to domestic travel or not, but you may want to bring some proof that you're not kidnapping your child from your husband. Friends of mine had an issue with this when the just the wife came to visit us in NYC from Toronto at the border.
posted by Grither at 9:08 AM on February 23, 2011

Alaska is a pretty great airline. Also, the employees should be cheerful because they just got a huge bonus (more than a month's pay!)

Here are a few things I found on the site:

- An adult traveling with a lap infant may check the infant's child restraint seat and/or stroller free of charge in addition to the regular baggage allowance. These items may be checked at the gate using a claim-at-gate tag if preferred. (So if you have a travel system, you can take that and not have the lug the seat by itself).

- As the lap infant will be sitting on the lap of the accompanying adult, seats cannot be reserved for the infant. Of course, the accompanying adult can pre-reserve his or her own seat. Only one lap infant is permitted per row (including both sides of aisle). Lap infant seating is not permitted in the emergency exit rows, in the rows forward or aft of any exit row or in any bulkhead row seat, including rows 1 and 6.

If I were in your situation, I would pre-board if possible. That way, people who strongly dislike babies could change seats and save both of you lots of death-glares.

I don't have kids myself, but as a nanny I loved the Bjorn for the wee little ones. The Ergo was better for older babies who were sitting up on their own, in my experience.

And here's a link to the TSA's Traveling with Children page. And here's the "liquid exceptions" page.

Happy travels!
posted by charmcityblues at 9:10 AM on February 23, 2011

I flew solo with my daughter when she was three months old (last October), but it ended up being totally fine.

I preboarded on all my flights, which I think works well for a baby that small, as it gives you a little more time to get situated (now that my daughter is a lot bigger and a lot more active, I will probably re-think that strategy next time we fly). I was particularly worried about breastfeeding on the plane (it seemed like it would be really awkward to do, crammed in so close to other passengers), but that turned out to be fine, in that no one seemed to notice or care (actually, I was encouraged to nurse her during takeoff and landing by one of the flight attendants). For the most part, my daughter appeared totally unaffected by takeoffs and landings (and slept through several), though she started screaming during the last landing, and was too worked up to latch on, so that was a little rough. So if you can get her to nurse (or take the bottle), great, but if not, I don't think it's necessarily a given that she will be miserable.

Since you are checking the carseat, can you take a stroller? Most airlines will let you gate check them for free, I believe, and I find it easier to have the stroller so that I can take her to the bathroom (using the handicap stall) and have somewhere to put her down between flights.

FWIW, I had no trouble getting pumped breastmilk through security - the TSA agent didn't even ask.

Good luck!
posted by hovizette at 9:12 AM on February 23, 2011

I have done some traveling with an infant, the first time when she was about the same age as your little one. (I had a husband to help me then, but I have also done the solo trip with infant a little older).

When she was that small, we carried her in a baby bjorn and used an umbrella stroller. The advantage of this is that baby in the carrier left your hands free for boarding, putting stuff away, etc.
The advantage of the stroller is that you can place baby in it while using restroom (family restrooms are very useful here, because they are bigger and more private. If not, use a handicap stall if you can). Umbrella strollers usually have a pocket that you can place small items to leave your hands free, ie a bottle, your tickets, burp cloth, or the baby bjorn. You can also put baby in the stroller on layovers and manage to eat something or give yourself a break (I should mention that I just kept the baby bjorn on the whole time, whether using it or not. Yeah, I looked like a dork, but it was most efficient.)

I managed to pack all my carry-on items into a diaper bag along with baby stuff. You only have so many hands so you have to consider how much you can handle at a time. Essentials in the diaper bag for baby included 2 extra onsies (why yes, we did have that many poop-throughs), a receiving blanket because it gets cold on planes, a small amount of formula powder, and about 5 diapers and wipes.
If you breast feed, an appropriate cover up can also be doubled as a blanket. If you have breast milk in bottles, bring it frozen if you have a long day and declare it as you go through security. It shouldn't be an issue for security, and it will thaw out over about an hour or two. Once through security, I also buy a bottle of water to store in the diaper bag and use with powder formula or by itself as needed. The altitude changes can bother the baby, so I made sure to feed her either by breast or bottle during these times. A pacifier also helped.

Your little one is pretty young, so chances are the baby will sleep through most of the flights. This is a serious help. Pray that you sit next to a friendly person that understands that traveling with kids is hard. Also, if you see another parent of a small child and need a hand, these people are generally very helpful.

Finally, if you have to change a diaper on a plane (It isn't as terrible as it seems), bathrooms usually come with a changing table. Ask the flight attendant to help you, as it can be pretty tricky. If you are really desperate, use an empty seat if it is next to you. (I know this is sorta one of those bad habits that parents have, but if you are traveling alone I say do what you can to get through the day with as little stress as possible)
posted by nasayre at 9:12 AM on February 23, 2011

Also, bring her birth certificate. They need it for age verification, and it sounds dumb that they would not know that your 2.5 month old was under 2 years old just by looking, but we got asked for it once with our 5 month old baby, and luckily I thought to bring it at the very last second.

2nding what Grither said about proof of not kidnapping! It also sounds dumb, but have your husband right a note saying that you have the right to travel solo with the baby, and have him sign and date it. You might never get asked for it, but it's a lot better to be safe than sorry! You can probably just write the note yourself, they don't check that thoroughly.
posted by katypickle at 9:14 AM on February 23, 2011

You need to try out all your slings now, before you leave, so you can make a choice. Try walking down a narrow aisle, try going to the bathroom, etc. For a fun test, put on the sling and try going into a small, crowded closet and try to pick up something off the floor. The right sling for someone else may not be the right one for you.

A suggestion for the actual trip - if people offer to help you, accept their offers (if you feel comfortable doing that). If someone offers to hoist your bag into the overhead or carry your diaper bag down the aisle, say Thank You and let them do it. If someone on the plane offers to hold the baby while you go to the bathroom - well, you get to decide whether that's ok or not. They can't kidnap the kid, but still.

And a tiny little suggestion: If I were you, I would just wait and go with my husband. Make a list of all the possible inconvenient or even horrible things that could happen traveling by yourself and then think about each of those items and see if your husband would be able to deal with them easily. Then compare that to actually how much time you would benefit by going early. If you are still sore and having trouble carrying and being uncomfortable, I'd just just wait.
posted by CathyG at 9:15 AM on February 23, 2011

Whatever carrier you use, be sure you can get the baby in and out of it without disturbing them if they're asleep (or something you can unbuckle/untie really fast, but leave them in it). When I travelled by plane with my first son as an infant, I was told he was not allowed to remain in the carrier for takeoff and landing (it's not an FAA-approved way to restrain a baby, was what I was told), and the sling I was using wasn't easy to get him out of, so I had to wake him up, which wasn't fun. I don't see how it's any different than having them in your lap, but the stewardesses were adamant about it (happened on more than one flight).

Use the carrier for bathroom breaks for sure.

Nurse during takeoff and landing if you can, it helps with their ear pressure.

I prefer to pre-board, easier to get settled. It also gives other people the opportunity to realize there's a baby in their row and change their seats if they don't want to sit next to you.

They'll hassle you over liquids at the security checkpoint, not baby food and snacks.

Travelling with an infant is much easier than with a toddler, seriously.
posted by flex at 9:16 AM on February 23, 2011

Boobs. Boobs are the answer to all airplane questions at that age. Just boob the entire flight. Keeps everyone happy.

Your own peeing -- pee in airport before you get on plane.

As far as diaper changes, if there is a changing table in the bathroom, great. If not, it is not the end of the world to change a diaper in the seat.
posted by k8t at 9:17 AM on February 23, 2011

Also, use the carrier that you're best with. Those things are not easy to get on and off at first, so start using it TODAY.

I could/can totally breastfeed with the Ergo, but couldn't with the Bjorn. I found the Moby too complicated.
posted by k8t at 9:19 AM on February 23, 2011

Definitely bring the birth certificate (a copy is fine). I always had to produce it at the counter when checking in. Be sure you practice wearing whatever carrier you decide to use so that both you and your baby will be familiar and comfortable with it. Personally, I'd go for the Ergo or the Bjorn. You can totally use the bathroom yourself while wearing the baby.

If you can avoid it, I'd try to not change the baby on the flight. It's just kind of awkward and chaotic in those airplane restrooms. Change diapers right before you get on the plane but also bring a fresh pair of clothes ON the plane (along with diapers) in case you need them. Babies that age often sleep on flights because of the white noise and vibrations produced by the plane so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Try to minimize the amount of carry-on luggage, probably one bag with all your purse items and stuff for the baby will be plenty. Be super friendly to everyone, especially the flight attendants and then they'll all be your allies if you need something. Good luck!
posted by otherwordlyglow at 9:29 AM on February 23, 2011

You ought to be really nice to the people on your row with you if you intend to change your baby in the seats. A family did that on a seat next to me (2 parents, baby), and I thought it was really fucking obnoxious and rude. (Not least because it reeked.) Had they done something like "We're really sorry, but there isn't a way to change a diaper in the bathrooms here", I would not have minded half as much, and my anger would have been about the plane design.
posted by jeather at 9:38 AM on February 23, 2011

It's so much easier than you assume it will be. I traveled with my one baby, and then again with my toddler and another baby, and it was almost as easy to do it alone as with my husband.

Try to minimize what you carry on. Practice, and then bring the carrier you like best with you (I was a straight-up sling mama, and of your choices the Moby wrap would have suited me best, but my husband was a big Bjorn fan). Going to the bathroom while wearing a baby is only awkward the first few times (wear something easy to get up and down). Wear shoes you can slip on and off without your hands, to make going through security easier. You will have to remove the baby from any carrier while going through security, and the carrier will have to be put through the machine, so keep that in mind.

Make friends with the flight attendants--I was often told proactively that they'd be happy to hold the baby/watch my toddler if I needed them to, just to ring. If there is no built-in changing table on your plane (some have them, some don't), ask the flight attendants what your best move is. I have changed my kids on the closed toilet lid though without any hassle (I always had a changing pad in the diaper bag, the closed lid is a fairly flat surface anyway). I cannot imagine a scenario so emergent to have caused me to change a baby in the seat.

You could consider bringing a stroller and checking it at the gate, which does make getting through the airport easier, but it is a big enough pain at security that I think it's kind of a wash. However, if you are still uncomfortable while healing from your c-section, you might find that not having to carry all the weight of baby plus baggage tips things in favor of using the stroller. Besides, having the stroller waiting for you at the jetway upon arrival might really be helpful as you navigate baggage claim and getting out of the airport.
posted by padraigin at 10:52 AM on February 23, 2011

*Carry him in the Moby. Because you can pre-tie your wrap (google "pocket pre-tie" if you don't know how to do it yet) and just leave the wrap on, and pop the kid in and out as needed. It is so much easier than all other options. You can pull the cloth over his head if he's snoozing. You can breastfeed in the wrap or use it to cover your boob if you want to. Bonus: a Moby-type wrap has no metal, so you can probably keep the baby on during security checks. They will probably pat you down, though. To see if your baby is a terrorist.

*Carry as little as you possibly can. Don't bring a purse AND a carry-on AND a diaper bag or whatever. Check your luggage and bring one bag that contains only the essentials. One thing I do bring is a blanket, not so much for covering the baby with, but so he can have a place to hang out on the floor in the airport.

*Breastfeed during takeoff. Honestly, traveling with my baby was really easy during this phase, because he just wanted to nurse and nap and the plane is like a giant white-noise sleep tube as far as he was concerned. It was awesome. I wouldn't bring pumped milk, myself. I found the drama of carrying a baby and a carry-on through the airports enough of a hassle. As above, I tried to really minimize what I was dragging around.

*I apologize to the people around me when I first show up. "I know, I'm sorry. But he's pretty mellow." and then I do my best to keep him calm. At your baby's age, this is probably not a concern. A boob and a cuddle and your little one is likely to just conk out.

*In addition to diapers and wipes, I pack a change or two of baby clothes in ziploc bags. If there's a spit-up disaster, the gross clothes go in the bag. I also pack a few extra ziploc bags to stick used diapers in.

*Depending on the size of the plane, there may be a fold-down changing table in the bathroom. If there isn't, your options for changing him are probably the area back near the bathroom, on the floor, or your lap. I personally wouldn't change my baby in the row unless there were no other option, and then I would apologize a lot. Depending on the length of your flight, you may well be able to just change the baby right before you board and then not again until you touch down.

*Flight attendants have always been very kind to us. If you need to pee, they'll hold your baby while you go. They can help you find a place to change your little one. Etc.

*I think it's easier to pre-board, but it doesn't matter hugely. It's easier to sit either at the window or the aisle, but isn't that always the case? :-p

Bon voyage! Travel at this age is really as easy as it gets. How I miss it!
posted by thehmsbeagle at 10:58 AM on February 23, 2011

Bring several large (1-gallon) Ziploc bags for diapers and soiled clothing. Good luck!
posted by cyndigo at 11:17 AM on February 23, 2011

Lots of great advice already, but I'll add one thing. Bring a clean shirt for yourself in the diaper bag- if the baby spits up all over you, being able to change it is so much better than having to wear something that smells like spit-up until you get to your destination.
posted by ambrosia at 11:19 AM on February 23, 2011

Bring 25% more diapers and clothes for both you and the baby than you need.
posted by k8t at 12:05 PM on February 23, 2011

It is very, VERY unlikely that you will have any safety problems while flying with a lap infant, because in the vast majority of cases air travel is safe. But you should still be aware that the FAA allows lap children merely because they think it's less likely that your baby will become a tiny, airborne projectile in a plane accident than that you'll reject paying for a second plane seat in favor of driving, which is much more dangerous.

[The F.A.A.] maintains that [requiring all passengers to be restrained in a second seat] would require families — now accustomed to children under 2 years old flying free if they sit in a parent’s lap — to pay for the extra seat. That cost, the F.A.A. surmises, would cause some families to revert to car travel, which is less safe. “Consequently,” states the agency in its latest response to the safety board, “entire families would be subject to far higher fatality rates, which would produce a net increase in overall transportation fatalities.”
posted by nicebookrack at 12:42 PM on February 23, 2011

I don't think I can do one of those small, lightweight strollers -- she isn't able to sit on her own yet. I've got one that fits the car seat but the whole getup is cumbersome and I'm not sure I could collapse the stroller while going through security and deal with the seat, etc. I'm looking at strollers right now and not seeing one that works... is there a model I'm missing?

The grandmas have been regaling me with stories of traveling alone with an infant... those were the days, when TSA wasn't giving out full body scans, when planes weren't overloaded, when you didn't have to arrive two hours before departure and end up hanging out on the jetway for hours...
posted by amanda at 1:04 PM on February 23, 2011

I flew with my son when he was 3 months old. I don't know what brand it was, but I used a front carrier (this one was the kind where the baby could face in or out) that sat higher on my chest. Going to the bathroom was not an issue because the baby was so high that he was hardly in the way at all. The flight attendants did make me take him out of the carrier during take off and landings, they said it was unsafe. YMMV.

I didn't worry about feeding him during take offs or landings, he was a pacifier kid and that seemed to do the trick.

Practice changing diapers on your lap. Being able to just spread the waterproof mat on my lap and change the baby has saved me more than once. That's how I did it on the plane in the bathroom. No need to worry about putting Baby on anything unsanitary.
posted by TooFewShoes at 2:05 PM on February 23, 2011

I admit it's been donkey's years since I've flown with a stroller (and even longer since I have flown with one that wasn't a tiny lightweight umbrella type stroller) but when I did have a giant bulky travel system setup, it absolutely could be brought through security. Again, it's a bit more hassle, especially if you have one that requires more than one hand to unfold/break down, but if it doesn't fit through the scanner (you'd be surprised, I've seen some crazy Graco tanks go down that belt) they do have means of checking it in order to get it through.

You would do it like so, or thereabouts:

Send diaper bag down the belt.
Remove carseat (with baby) from stroller, set aside
Collapse stroller, send down belt (or alternative means of TSA checking, they will advise)
Remove baby from carseat, send carseat through scanner
Walk through checkpoint with baby
Put baby back in carseat, set aside
Unfold stroller, put carseat back on stroller
Grab diaper bag, head to gate
posted by padraigin at 2:06 PM on February 23, 2011

In my experience (flight attendants will tell you this, too), babies do really well on planes. They like the noise and vibration.

If you can, try to keep the baby awake until takeoff. Nurse on takeoff to prevent ear problems with the air pressure changes. Hopefully the little one will also fall asleep at this point.

Nurse when the plane begins descent, as well.

When you check in, you can ask if the flight is full, and if it isn't, ask to be seated next to an empty seat (or even two). Airlines are accommodating about this.

I would seriously try to pee before and after the flight, not during.

If you have to change the baby, and you're next to an empty seat, do it there (with a diaper pad, of course, and apologies to any passengers who can see what you're doing). Just be quick and efficient and get the offending diaper sealed up super-fast, and it will be fine.

Seconding the ziplock bags and changes of clothing for both of you, plus, of course, wipes and burp towels. The worst part about flying with an infant is having WETNESS (of various kinds) and no way to deal with it or no place to put it.

I've flown solo with a baby many times; if you take the advice in this thread, you'll be just fine.
posted by torticat at 2:53 PM on February 23, 2011

Oh, one more thing, I agree with the advice above about taking an umbrella stroller. We used these from birth with our babies. Just roll up receiving blankets on either side, making sure the baby's head is supported, buckle up around the blankets, and she will be snug as a bug!
posted by torticat at 2:57 PM on February 23, 2011

*wear yoga pants-easy to pull up and down to pee while wearing baby in Ergo.

*you'll want your car seat if they do end up having an extra seat. Here's what we do: check in, see if there's an extra seat. If no, check carseat. If yes, roll carseat and travel system to gate. Keep baby in system till you board-leave stroller just outside plane door. Preboard, you'll only have to carry baby in car seat down the aisle when no other passengers are on board.
*definitely only bring one bag-stuff your book and wallet into the diaper bag or whatever.
*if you're nursing, just plan on nursing at take off and landing. I wouldn't worry about bringing milk through security.

It should be easy-my three kids were cake to travel with at this age. Wait a year-that's when it sucks.
posted by purenitrous at 3:22 PM on February 23, 2011

Thank you all so much! I really appreciate all the encouragement and the super tips. There's a lot more information in this thread than I was able to find elsewhere so I know this will be a good resource for someone.

We're gonna give it a shot and head out tomorrow! I will keep all the brave, solo flying parents in mind and try not to be such a baby about it. Wish me luck! :)
posted by amanda at 1:08 PM on February 27, 2011

And, to come back and say: the flights went well. The baby had her worst night since she was a newborn the day before the flight (when my husband was out of town) and I was pretty much a wreck the morning-of but we made it.

Some friends of mine convinced me to take the Bob stroller and the carseat. The Bob is huge but it totally fits in the x-ray machine and it was so awesome to have. It handles so well and was amazing for the layover I had. Plus, it was useful at our destination (snowy sidewalks) whereas my smaller stroller would not have been. I used padraigin's method above for getting things through the TSA process and it was perfect.

I used a simple sling for carrying baby in and out of the airplane. Before boarding, I put her in the sling and put the diaper bag and a second bag that I needed for blankets and my scarf and some other odds and ends in the stroller. Walked that to the gate, picked up the bags and set them aside and collapsed the stroller and was good to go.

She ate at takeoff and landing or used her pacifier and slept the rest of the time. Yay!

A couple notes: without my sister-in-law showing up at my doorstep with coffee at 6 am, ready to feed the baby while I threw things into bags, I would not have made it to the airport. Have a friend drop you curbside! Make sure you check in at the gate. At my layover, they needed someone to escort me through the elevator. This person actually helped me with my stuff as well. But it was important to let them know ahead of time. Also: if I had thought ahead I would have gone on the airport's website and looked up any family rooms. Apparently there are some family restrooms as well as a nursing room at Sea-Tac. I definitely would have taken advantage of that if the walk wasn't too far.
posted by amanda at 11:25 AM on March 21, 2011

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