Which SharePoint power user training should I take?
February 14, 2011 10:25 AM

Which SharePoint power user training should I choose? Please give me your recommendations about good training companies and courses, thoughts on aiim.org, and any thoughts or advice about training remotely--is there any reason I shouldn't do it?

I need to take a SharePoint power user training course.

Context: I work with a very small organization, so this is NOT enterprise-level usage, and my training's very much self-guided. Money for training will probably also be limited, so I need to choose well. If I screw up and pick the wrong course, I may not get to take another one.

I've been working with SharePoint over the past few months, so I'm conversant with its basic capabilities. I'd still like a solid overview, though. And I particularly need training on:

1) integration with Word (still don't get the document workspace, really) and Outlook (I'd like to explore using RSS feeds instead of SP's clunky alerts)

2) strategy--e.g., integrating SharePoint with existing archiving systems, knowing how long to keep information on SharePoint, etc.

I live in a relatively rural area, so there is only one local IT training organization worth considering. Their courses sound "meh"--mostly information that I already know. On the other hand, there is something to be said for being in the actual same room with the trainer: interaction would be easier and I'd probably get more of it.

There are many more options for live remote training (done on your own machine using online training, but with Q & A and interaction with the trainer), but it's hard to find any reviews of those options. Sharepoint Bootcamp and Critical Path Training get some positive commentary, and their syllabi include Office integration.

I'm also curious about the aiim.org SharePoint Practitioner course, because the syllabus specifically mentions training on useful big-picture topics: functions that should and shouldn't be implemented on SP, retention and lifecycle, etc. But I am concerned that I won't get enough of the basic overview and that the content might be too enterprise-level for my very small organization. Also, I would only be able to take the canned web module--there's no chance for Q & A, which seems important.

Please give me your recommendations about good training companies and courses, thoughts on aiim.org, and any thoughts or advice about training remotely--is there any reason I shouldn't do it?
posted by Herkimer to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Wow, no responses?

Well, the resources you mentioned are excellent, however there is one more that I have always found top-notch:

posted by jkaczor at 5:42 PM on June 18, 2011

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