How is Brazil helping Haiti right now?
February 13, 2011 1:59 PM   Subscribe

What aid/help is Brazil doing in Haiti today?

I am working on a project about Brazil's efforts in Haiti since the earthquake, but am not finding much information about what is happening NOW. Many articles discuss the immediate aftermath but not in the last 2-3 months or so. I am interested especially in things that might be happening with education and culture. It could be as part of a UN project or independent.
posted by maxg94 to Society & Culture (2 answers total)
If you haven't checked it already, take a look around the Haiti NGO Aid Map site. I just did a quick search but nothing shows up as being directly funded by the Brazilian government, but they could be providing support via different funding mechanisms such as through the UN. Digging around in more depth on the site may yield more results however.
posted by cptspalding at 2:07 PM on February 13, 2011 [1 favorite]

I'm pretty sure the Brazilian military contributes a signficant portion of the UN peacekeeping forces there (MINUSTAH).
posted by kickingtheground at 4:54 PM on February 13, 2011

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