Movie Memorabilia Collecting
February 8, 2011 4:13 PM

How to collect movie memorabilia (posters, lobby cards, etc)? Collecting gurus wanted!

I’m a huge cinephile and slowly developing a hobby buying official movie memorabilia on and off. The Internet dealers have very expensive deals, and I don’t live anywhere close to Europe in where I could find certain stores specialize in movie memorabilia. I’ve tried garage sales, local stores and even working at a cinema. However, the items I’ve come cross are usually double-sided or teaser posters in not so good conditions, banners and standees that aren’t even portable, occasionally promo books/CDs that I’m too far behind on the list to get a copy. Speaking from experience, a lot of dealers are collectors themselves. But they can’t all be working for or knowing someone from the movie Distribution Company, news corporations or stores, right?

So I’ve been wondering

- What is considered collectible or not collectible?
- How to determine market value?
- How/Where I could get movie memorabilia at a better price?
- What is considered a reasonable price? Is there a ball mark?
- Where do the suppliers get their large collection?
- What should a buyer check/take into consideration before they buy such items?
- What are the best ways to store and preserve them?
- What to do with the ones already have creases?
- Anything that I should read/watch for Collecting 101? Any essential must-knows/how-tos?
- Are memorabilia from certain countries considered more valuable?
- Are there any difference in value of press kits, stills, prints, film reels, prints, post cards, lobby cards, posters, banners, standees, etc? (I want to be selective in purchasing, since I don’t have a lot of space)
- Are reprints all invaluable? (esp. talking about the vintage)
- Are rare always good? (Rare memorabilia of forgotten/little-known movies vs. not-so-rare memorabilia of blockbuster or masterpiece)
- Are there bogus bootlegs in this market? If so, how to prevent oneself from falling into the trap?
- Great movie memorabilia specialty stores that one must visit while traveling?

Thank you so much for reading and answering.
posted by easilyconfused to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
I know someone who sells this kind of stuff who could possibly answer some of your questions. (I know *I* can't.) MeMail me if you want his contact info.
posted by Obscure Reference at 5:01 AM on February 9, 2011

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