locally hosted textad system
April 13, 2005 12:09 PM

I'm looking for a textad system for a site I run. I'm familiar with textads.biz, but I think I might prefer a locally hosted and run system, more akin to the fine MetaFilter Textads. Any suggestions?
posted by me3dia to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Hasn't been updated in ages, but someone cloned my system here: http://textads.sourceforge.net/
posted by mathowie at 12:41 PM on April 13, 2005

I cloned Matt's system, too, me3dia. You can see it in effect at nancies.org. It's PHP/MySQL based. You'll have to muck around in code a bit to get it set up, so if you're skiddish around PHP, this isn't for you. If you'd like me to send you the code, e-mail me. (That goes for anybody else who wants a text ad system, too.)
posted by waldo at 12:52 PM on April 13, 2005

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