So I wanna live in movies...
April 11, 2005 6:54 AM

I'm trying to compile a list of movies set in Minneapolis/St. Paul...

So far I've gotten the easy ones -- "Purple Rain", "Fargo", "Feeling Minnesota", the horrid Mighty Ducks movies, etc. What am I missing?
posted by nathan_teske to Media & Arts (15 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Little Big League.
posted by mcwetboy at 7:01 AM on April 11, 2005 lets you search by location, although they only list 4 movies for Minnesota - Airport, A Simple Plan, Fargo and Untamed Heart.
The Minnesota film board also lists movies shot there, but doesn't specify by city.
posted by FreezBoy at 7:08 AM on April 11, 2005

And here is the IMDB's list of movies/tv shows shot in Minneapolis, although some seem a little odd, like Real World.
posted by FreezBoy at 7:13 AM on April 11, 2005

It wasn't set there, but for what it's worth, Mallrats was filmed largely in Eden Prairie.
posted by ChrisTN at 7:15 AM on April 11, 2005

Are you looking for films that shot there or whose location was supposedly MSP?

When I worked at Mpls.St.Paul Magazine we did a lengthy list of these in the Made in Minnesota issue, back in the 1990s.

The original "Airport" was shot at the MSP Airport, I believe.

"Drop Dead Fred" was shot locally.
posted by GaelFC at 8:42 AM on April 11, 2005

Jingle fucking All the Way, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Belushi.

Beautiful Girls was filmed in Stillwater, but I'm not sure if they actually set the movie there.

There's an X-Files episode that supposed to be here but is hilariously not (like, Scully drives through wooded countryside to get from the airport to Minneapolis).
posted by COBRA! at 8:44 AM on April 11, 2005

Purple Rain.
posted by wsg at 8:49 AM on April 11, 2005

posted by wsg at 8:49 AM on April 11, 2005

(Beautiful Girls was set in a fictional Massachusetts town)

"Drop Dead Gorgeous", "Grumpy Old Men"
posted by milkrate at 8:54 AM on April 11, 2005

One of my faves, "Patty Rocks" was filmed partially there.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 9:04 AM on April 11, 2005

There's an X-Files episode that supposed to be here but is hilariously not (like, Scully drives through wooded countryside to get from the airport to Minneapolis).

Heh. I remember an X-Files episode with a train stopped in rural Iowa...that looked oddly like it was on a forested mountainside near Vancouver....

The episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" was at least partially set in the Twin Cities...the Clyde Bruckman character (Peter Boyle) was a resident of Saint Paul.
posted by gimonca at 9:13 AM on April 11, 2005

The Toilers and the Wayfarers.
posted by makonan at 9:20 AM on April 11, 2005

Bound and Gagged: A Love Story
posted by omnidrew at 11:00 AM on April 11, 2005

"That Was Then, This Is Now" was shot in MSP, but I believe all SE Hinton novels are set in Oklahoma or something.

"Untamed Heart" was also filmed in MSP, because I remember I tried to walk to City Center for lunch that day and it was practically shut down for filming.
posted by GaelFC at 11:35 AM on April 11, 2005

Joe Somebody was filmed in the cities. I remember that they spent about a week filming at the corner of Western & Selby in St. Paul (across from W.A. Frost).
posted by belladonna at 5:10 PM on April 11, 2005

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