Smartphone for use in US/Canada
December 18, 2010 5:46 PM

I live in Montreal but spend 3 months a year in Florida. I want to get a smartphone that I can use in both countries for light voice + data. What are my options?

Here is what I need:

• 100-200 minutes voice
• 100-200 MB data
• Main uses: email, maps/navigation, checking info online, maybe personal media player.
• Don't care about: camera/video, fancy apps, social networking, games
• Ease of use

A previous AskMe thread suggests that US/Canada data plans for the iPhone are not good value.

However, since then Rogers has announced its new Canada/USA data plans. We might consider the $35.00 one.

What are our other options? Is it better to get 2 separate plans, one in the US and one in Canada?
posted by kirsti to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
How about Virgin Mobile? I know that Virgin Mobile works in both the US and Canada (it's on the Spring network), but not entirely sure if you'd have to have separate plans for both countries. In the US they have a special no-contract plan for $25 a month for 300 minutes, and unlimited text and data.

For Canada, they have similarly (but slightly *different*) plans available.
posted by french films about trains at 7:40 PM on December 18, 2010

i don't know for sure the details but my old friend who lived in Montreal but spent time in Connecticut had an anywhere-type plan with no roaming charges and good long distance that was based in the US. her cell number was a Connecticut number, which made it so annoying to call her locally. she said Canadian cell companies were more expensive and had worse coverage.
posted by custard heart at 10:47 AM on December 19, 2010

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