Dinner on Christmas Eve in Delaware's Brandywine Valley?
December 10, 2010 9:11 AM   Subscribe

Where can my new husband and I eat dinner on Christmas Eve in the Brandywine Valley or in Wilmington proper? Bonus points for romantic atmosphere, since it's our honeymoon. Not an option: Krazy Kat's, Buckley's Tavern.

We're staying at Montchanin for the 3-day Christmas weekend--our honeymoon. It'll be our second time there, and the only restaurants we know in the area are Krazy Kat's and Buckley's Tavern.

We're already eating at Krazy Kat's on 12/25, and we don't want to eat there 2 days in a row. Our first choice for 12/24 was Buckley's, but they close at 3pm and we won't make it there in time.

Chinese, Indian, or Thai would be great. But if there's any particularly romantic or, dare I say it, quaint place you know is usually open on Christmas Eve, I'd love to know about it. Thanks, MeFi!
posted by ImproviseOrDie to Food & Drink (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
On the nice atmosphere, romantic front --

Haven't been there in years but always enjoyed The Gables at Chadds Ford. Looks like it still gets good reviews. You can also try Simon Pearce which is set right on the Brandywine River.

But I suggest these places not knowing if they're open or not on Christmas Eve (didn't see any mention on the their respective websites) so you'll have to call and see.

Good luck and enjoy the honeymoon!
posted by ryecatcher at 9:55 AM on December 10, 2010

Best answer: How about up in the Kennett Square area? I can't think of specifics right now, but aside from Talula's Table (mentioned on the blue as the hardest place to get reservations -- though they have cancellations on the 22nd!) I'll bet there are some other nice ones, and it'd be a pretty drive.

I grew up out there and have some friends in Wilmington, so I'll check in with them.
posted by Madamina at 9:56 AM on December 10, 2010

I haven't checked what's open on xmas eve (but I would guess most of these places should be), but here are a few good choices for a very nice dinner:

Domaine Hudson (downtown Wilmington)
Fair Hill Inn (Fair Hill, MD - about 15-30 minutes away)
Sovana Bistro (Kennett Square, PA - probably 15 minutes away)
Stone Balloon (Newark - about 15-20 minutes away)

All of these places are romantic, nice, and among our favorites, and if I had more time, I'd be a bit more descriptive. Drop me a MeMail if you want more info on any of them or info on any other restaurant in the area....
posted by JMOZ at 10:16 AM on December 10, 2010

Some more suggestions from locals:
Friend 1:
Jasmine is one of those pan-Asian kind of places. It's not quaint but it's good and fancy enough for Christmas Eve. It's at 3618 Concord Pike. It's about 1.5 miles from The Inn at Montchanin which I'm assuming is where they're staying.

Brandywine Prime in Chadds Ford, about 5 miles from Montchanin, might qualify as romantic and quaint in that it is housed in the Old Chadds Ford Inn which was very, very quaint. They've modernized it a bit, but I think it still fits the bill. The manager is our neighbor.

We've been to the Gables once and found it very, very noisy.

Friend 2:
A crappy little strip mall Thai restaurant is Tasti Thai, but it is very good and cheap! It's near Christiana Mall, in the Community Plaza on Rt. 273.

Of course the best Indian is at Five Points, that is down Maryland Ave, heading out of Wilmington. It's Indian Palace, 101 N. Maryland Ave.

I also recommend the cafeterias at the great museums of the area - Longwood Gardens and Winterthur.
posted by Madamina at 12:36 PM on December 10, 2010

The restaurant at Longwood (at Madamina suggested) is fantastic (especially their nice sit-down restaurant), but their hours during the winter are hit-or-miss, and Longwood is very crowded Christmas week. If you're going to Longwood anyway, I would eat there. Otherwise, I wouldn't make a trip just for that. (Side note- despite the crowds, I would strongly recommend a trip to Longwood, perhaps with lunch at the cafeteria).

As for Tasti Thai- it came highly recommended, so my wife and I ate there, and we both felt awful. Soybean is a significantly better Thai restaurant. Neither has atmosphere to speak of (Soybean is ok, but it's in a strip mall with a K-Mart), but Tasti Thai's location is downright gross. (Inside wasn't awful, but it wasn't nice, either.)
posted by JMOZ at 7:01 AM on December 11, 2010

Response by poster: You people are wonderful, thank you! I don't think we'll make a decision for a little while yet, so all your recommendations are options at this point. But the new husband is leaning toward a late lunch at Buckley's, in which case we might take some comestibles from Talulah's Table back to the hotel for an indoor picnic. (And if I had 6-10 friends available on 12/22, and lived closer, I'd totally go for the farm table dinner there.)
posted by ImproviseOrDie at 12:02 PM on December 11, 2010

Coffee, tea, etc. from Talula's Table are fantastic. (Oh, and by the time I saw Madamina's post, the Dec. 22 reservation was gone. Ah well, I have a reservation later in the year. :-P)
posted by JMOZ at 5:53 PM on December 11, 2010

Local friend #3 chimes in:
For Thai, I recommend Sweet Basil, which is in a little strip mall near the PA line on Concord Pike. Very nice.

And there is a good Malaysian restaurant, Rasa Sayang, which is sort of a mixture of Thai and Chinese, in Independence Mall on Concord Pike. All are pretty convenient to the Inn at Montchanin.

There is also a good Indian restaurant, Nirvana in Independence Mall also. (302) 652-3846,

And if they just want something comfortable and fun, The Brandywine Brewing Company is back in Greenville, near where Janssen's Market used to be. The food is good, better than pub food.

Sounds like a wonderful honeymoon.
posted by Madamina at 7:47 PM on December 11, 2010

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