April 6, 2005 9:25 AM

is elvis mitchell doing regular movie reviews in print anywhere now that he's left the new york times? i assume he's still on NPR's weekend edition (which i never listen to), and i've seen him on PBS and (i think) CNN, but i miss the written reviews. my inability to find information on google leads me to believe that he isn't doing print reviews anymore, although it may simply be that he's writing for a publication with no on-line presence. that's okay--i'd probably subscribe to something that carried him regularly.
posted by crush-onastick to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I haven't seen him in print recently, but check out the Treatment on KCRW for your Elvis Mitchell fix. It is now available via podcast as well as ordinary radio.
posted by basil at 10:05 AM on April 6, 2005

i'd probably subscribe to something that carried him regularly.

same here. great question.
posted by matteo at 10:12 AM on April 6, 2005

I miss his reviews as well.

He recently became an "executive production consultant" for Columbia Pictures, according to this press release. He "will canvas the film festival circuit and evaluate the Columbia library for potential remakes. Additionally, Mitchell will use his vast network of contacts as he serves as a consultant to the studio's acquisitions team. He will also operate as an executive supervising projects."
posted by mogget at 3:37 PM on April 6, 2005

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