English to Sinhala translation
November 22, 2010 6:54 AM

Can someone help translate from English to Sinhala using Sinhala alphabet?

I have a font pack installed, but in researching the language, note that different phonetics are involved so you can't necessarily just straight translate from letter to letter. I've gotten the information hand-written by a native Sinhala speaker, but it's a bit shaky since he's elderly and I just want to double-check the work.

The translation:

Benton (proper name)
April 9th, 2007 (birth date, so appropriate variation)

My translator put the birth date as "9th April" with no year, which is fine.

I'm specifically looking for a .jpg or something that I can run through my MS Word font pack (Kandy).
posted by cyniczny to Society & Culture
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