Remap Windows 7 volume controls?
October 31, 2010 7:36 PM

How can I set up global hotkeys in Windows 7 to change the volume?

I would like to remap the Windows 7 system volume controls to some combination of keyboard keys. Yes, I realize there are keyboards that have volume controls built in, that is not what I am looking for. I would prefer not to have to go through a third-party program, but if that is the only solution then it will have to work.
posted by sophist to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I would use Autohotkey for this. It allows you to create simple scripts to do things like you are asking and more. I use it at work to set up hotkeys for frequently-used programs and boilerplate text.

Once you install the program, you will have to create a text file and save it as a .ahk extention. Your script file may look like this:
Send {Volume_Up}

Send {Volume_Down}
The above makes the volume go up one unit when you press F12 and down one unit when you press F11. It's easy to make it as simple or as complicated as you want. You will have to open your saved .ahk file for the hotkeys to be in effect. The help files and forums for Autohotkey are very good if you run into problems.
posted by UsernameGenerator at 11:05 PM on October 31, 2010

I had heard about Autohotkey, your sample script got me up and running. Thanks!
posted by sophist at 11:02 AM on November 1, 2010

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