October 19, 2010 12:06 PM

Does a Carte 12-25 count as a Railplus Jeune?

I've booked some train tickets outside of France using the voyages-sncf website. After inputting that I had a Carte 12-25, it let me book trips on trains that would demand the Carte 12-25 and the Railplus Jeune on different legs of the journey. I'm wondering: if they ask for the Railplus Jeune on the train, will they accept the Carte 12-25? I'll be travelling in Belgium and Holland, as well as France. If not, how do I get a Railplus Jeune?

Thanks so much!
posted by superiorchicken to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I can't help you on your question, but I can direct you to the Assistants in France forum thread, which might help you

if you can weed through it all, from what I gathered it should work- or t least I hoping it will as I head to Italy and Switzerland!

Have a good trip!
posted by raccoon409 at 2:25 AM on October 20, 2010

Possibly. According to this webpage, with the Carte 12-25:
- you get 50/60% off on most French trains
- you get 25% off on other French trains
- you get 25% off on European trains (looks like this is what a RailPlus card would be giving you).
I read on other pages that the Carte 12-25 has the RailPlus logo on it. You should check.
posted by rom1 at 2:30 AM on October 20, 2010

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