Appendectomy Recovery
March 24, 2005 6:56 PM

How long does it take for one to completely recover from an appendectomy?

I had my appendix removed the old fashioned way (not with a laparoscope) on March 4. My first question to the surgeon was when I would be able to play competitive golf and tennis again. He said 4 weeks. After having my staples out on March 14, the surgeon said I could start playing competitievely in 3 weeks.

My question is to those that have had this procedure done or knows someone who has, and they are fairly active in sport or in general. My question is, how long did it take, from surgery, before you were able to be active like before the surgery? What was teh difference between what the doctors advised and what you actually did or felt?
posted by Scottk to Health & Fitness (5 answers total)
My appendix was liberated when it was 19. The doctor didn't give me any specifics, but I was playing fullcourt basketball 9 days later. (I also didn't want to go back to the doctor to get the stitches removed, so I told him my aunt was a registered nurse and took them out myself.)
posted by joaquim at 8:28 PM on March 24, 2005

I had a burst appendix with some other complications that left a 30cm gape in my abdomen. It was about 2 years before I was able to really use my stomach muscles again. I've also had friends who've had the regular little cut for a non-burst appendix and they were active again within a month or 2.

Basically, take whatever the doctor tells you as a guideline but pace your recovery based on how you feel. Start off slow and don't expect to be back in full form for 6 months or so. Both golf and tennis hit the abdomen pretty hard so I'd take things slowly for a while.
posted by mexican at 11:54 PM on March 24, 2005

You'll be fine in a few weeks like your surgeon said unless a tennis ball hits the spot. If that happens in the next couple of months, you'll be achy for hours afterwards. The incision area will be tender for a while, but you'll do yourself no harm if you follow the guidelines you were given. DO pace yourself; you'll have less energy than usual, as the work of healing goes on. There's barely any diff between the incisions of a laparascopic app'y and an "open" app'y.

Use common sense and stop if your body tells you to.. as always.
posted by reflecked at 5:17 AM on March 25, 2005

I should be clearer. Laparascopy uses multiple small incisions, and an open appendectomy uses one slightly larger one. The amount of tissue damaged and needing to heal is approximately the same.
posted by reflecked at 5:19 AM on March 25, 2005

reflecked that was not my experience of laproscopy. 3 incisions, very small. Fully as before within a week. I was out of the hospital the day after, but they bade me not drive across the desert home to California for another day (this was in Arizona).

Yea, a bit tender occasionally for awhile, but that was all. Wouldn't notice if I didn't poke at it with my fingers. I wouldn't recommend anyone opt away from laproscopy, given the choice.
posted by Goofyy at 6:54 AM on March 29, 2005

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