A lime walks into a bar...
September 24, 2010 4:22 PM

What is bar lime? Is it the same as Rose's Lime Cordial?

Going to a party later and decided to make Candy Apples on a whim. I don't mean the martini/shot with butterscotch or whatever. These are highball drinks: lemon-lime soda, vodka, grenadine, and bar lime. (Total sorority sauce, I know!) But I don't know what "bar lime" actually is! Is it sour mix? Rose's Lime Cordial? If it's something that is typically made by the bar rather than purchased pre-made, what store-bought thing can I substitute? (Time is of the essence)
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico to Food & Drink (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This is the only bar lime I could find. However I did find a reference for lime bar mix, which is apparently unsweetened lime juice substitute, available in liquid or powder. Try a decent liquor store?
posted by elendil71 at 4:35 PM on September 24, 2010

Thanks elendil... I think the mix is closer. When they make the drink at the bar, it's a murky light greenish liquid (I think... it's dark!). I should also mention I'm in Ontario, Canada, where the liquor stores pretty much only sell alcohol (no mixers).
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico at 4:38 PM on September 24, 2010

Well, here is a recipe for that cocktail just calling for lime juice, so I'm guessing that should do. And lime juice is indeed murky and light green.
posted by gracedissolved at 4:46 PM on September 24, 2010

Substitute simple syrup and lime juice if you can't find powdered packet mixes of 'lime' in the supermarket where they sell the "Mr T's Bloody Mary Mix" sort of stuff. The former is nicer but the latter will give you a more authentic 'dive bar' taste.

I will throw out here that what is sold as Rose's Lime [Cordial] in Canada is quite noticeably different from what is sold as Rose's Lime [Juice] in the US; keep the location of answerers in mind when gauging what to buy...!
posted by kmennie at 4:49 PM on September 24, 2010

Key limes are sometimes known as bartenders limes.
posted by Runes at 6:08 PM on September 24, 2010

Bar lime is fairly different from lime cordial (roses). Bar lime is quite a bit more tart, wheras cordial is generally sweeter. Both would work in the same cocktail though. If you really want bar lime, it generally comes in a powder mix which you can get from bar or restaurant supply stores.

That being said, most bars don't actually use bar lime. The stuff that you see coming out of the little soda-gun is usually Martguerita mix, which is very sweet.
posted by sarastro at 6:14 PM on September 24, 2010

From what people are saying above about unsweetened lime substitute, it sounds like it might be the same as what we can buy here in Australia as "Sunshine lime juice! 99.9% pure! Use in place of fresh lime juice!". It's liquid, comes in a small plastic bottle from the Asian food aisle, or the canned juice aisle, at most supermarkets, and lasts pretty much indefinitely in the fridge. Looks like this, and is basically just pasteurised lime juice with a tiny bit of salt and some preservatives.
posted by Ahab at 8:33 PM on September 24, 2010

(and it tastes like dishwashing liquid mixed with vinegar mixed with arse)
posted by obiwanwasabi at 3:12 AM on September 25, 2010

Thanks very much, everyone! This was very much a spur of the moment thing, so I ended up just using bottled lime juice. The final concoction... well, I think obiwanwasabi captured it nicely with the similie. ;)

But I can see how the lime juice mixed with simple syrup would've worked a lot better. Margarita mix also sounds like a great idea. Next time!
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico at 11:01 AM on September 25, 2010

Depending on the bar, bar lime mix is usually lime juice with water and a teeny bit of sugar, though I have definitely been places where I've ordered a whiskey sour and been served whiskey & limeaide. (Gross, I know. I probably had a cold).
posted by custard heart at 8:33 PM on September 25, 2010

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