A good name for an event
March 16, 2005 10:14 PM

We are staging a fundraiser for a community radio station, based on two programmes; Black and Blue (The lowdown of beats and forgotten soul nuggets. Funk starts here) and Giant Steps (Jazz for the 21st Century) We need a good name for the event. Something that sums up the styles of music and is catchy enough for a poster. Any suggestions?

To give you an idea our alt-country show was called "Y'allternative"
posted by sconbie to Media & Arts (10 answers total)
to give us more of an idea - any chance of a link to the radio station (if it broadcasts online?)
posted by bunglin jones at 10:17 PM on March 16, 2005

you can listen to these and other programmes at www.rtrfm.com.au
posted by sconbie at 10:23 PM on March 16, 2005

Out of the red, and into the black and blue.
posted by Zootoon at 10:30 PM on March 16, 2005

Bring in the noise, bring in the money to keep our station operating: a funkathon to ensure that the kid down the street isn't the only thing jazzin' between your daughter's ears on in to the 21st century.

Wait, how long it too long?
posted by mexican at 10:34 PM on March 16, 2005

(As it happens, I'm a subscriber to the station but have never even heard those shows)
Just ideas:

In Search of the Thirteenth Note?


Maybe do the poster like one of those old soul/jazz record shops, and call the night something like "Artie Arr's Funk and Soul Shack"
posted by bunglin jones at 10:54 PM on March 16, 2005

perhaps less focus on the money and more on the music. We hold a couple of fundraisers a month so it gets kind of tired asking for cash all the time... love the funkathon tho...
posted by sconbie at 10:54 PM on March 16, 2005

More than three words is toooooo looooooong.
posted by sconbie at 11:11 PM on March 16, 2005

Old's Cool
posted by SNACKeR at 5:36 AM on March 17, 2005

-Fund the Funk
-Jazz do it!
-Give a listen
-Have you no soul?
-Feed the Beats
posted by FreezBoy at 5:53 AM on March 17, 2005

Bop to the Top
posted by NickDouglas at 6:25 AM on March 17, 2005

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