Where can I get a balloon arch in Jamaica Estates, Queens, NYC
August 26, 2010 1:15 PM

QueensNYCFilter: Where could I most-inexpensively get a balloon arch for use at an event in Queens, Jamaica Estates, NYC?
posted by Sticherbeast to Shopping (2 answers total)
You need to find a rinky dink party supply store, I think. They usually will blow up balloons for you, rent one of the traditional chairs that women sit in during a baby shower. They also make little figurines that get handed out. I live in Richmond Hill and there is one on Jamaica Ave around 104th street. Actually, memail me and if you want I will see if they have it when I get off the train.
posted by mokeydraws at 2:05 PM on August 26, 2010

these are sooooo easy to make. get some balloons filled with helium (dollar store?) and some white thread. start tying the baloons together at their knot spacing them about 12 inches apart. leave about a few feet on each end, tie each end to a weight and drop on the ground. there's your arch! Takes like 15 mins. just figure out how many you want for the space you want to cover. have fun!
posted by UltraD at 9:23 AM on August 27, 2010

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