Looking for a small NAS with SFTP capability
August 17, 2010 3:06 AM

Anyone know of a small NAS with SFTP capability, to be used with ExpanDrive?

I'm looking for a small NAS, to be mostly used by a single person for document storage. The catch is it will need to be accessible over the internet, and my user already has an SFTP client they know and like. Most of the stuff I see on the market only has FTP / SMB access, or maybe FTP/S which my client of choice doesn't support.

Other than that I don't care for extra options, and would favor speed over capacity - a TB or two will be more than enough for any future needs.

I am not strictly limited on budget, but need to stay in the SOHO rather than enterprise range, i.e. a few hundred rather than a few thousand euros.

I also know I could do all kinds of stuff with a Linux box but would rather buy an off the shelf solution for more robustness / ease of maintenance by non-wizard people.
posted by Dr Dracator to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
I'm not familiar with expandrive, but i've been researching a new NAS box for my small office. Check out Netgear's ReadyNAS series. They've developed plugins to make the NAS do just about anything you want. Good info on the user forum Here.

I'm looking at the new ultra series, but one of their smaller boxes should suit your needs.
posted by freq at 6:32 AM on August 17, 2010

I've had good results using WD's MyBook World Edition. SSH (this includes SFTP) can be enabled in the Admin interface. Very low price (think around 200 euros)
File Transfer speed might be a problem for you. The device's CPU cannot deliver 10MB/s over Ethernet, in practice, maximum throughput is between 3 and 4MB/s.
posted by harlan at 9:49 AM on August 17, 2010

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