Lost vital music.
March 12, 2005 3:41 AM

I used to own a tape of Marty Balin's "Hearts", recorded live on a TV show, with a guitar solo that would peel paint off a wall . . .

. . . but the tape got lost in transiston. The show I thought was SNL, but their archives seem to say no, It was early 80's. Can anyone identify the show or (even better) where the song might be available?
posted by Neiltupper to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
I have no idea if this is correct, but if it's early 80s and you thought it was SNL, it could be Fridays on ABC. A terrible ripoff (even though it had both Michael Richards and Larry David), but they compensated with great musical acts (Clash! Jam!) and double-long sets.
posted by baltimore at 7:12 AM on March 12, 2005

Okay, so it's not Fridays.

But what a musical guest list!
posted by baltimore at 7:18 AM on March 12, 2005

Well, maybe it is Friday.

Maybe Balin played his solo song with Jefferson Starship? If so....

36. 2-23 03-Apr-1981 Father Guido Sarducci / Jefferson Starship
posted by icontemplate at 11:52 AM on March 12, 2005

I bet icontemplate is right. A quick google revealed that Hearts was released in 1981, so it makes sense.
posted by wsg at 2:11 AM on March 13, 2005

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