Seeking decent psychiatrist in Denver
August 13, 2010 9:16 AM

Psych[o]Filter. Can anyone recommend a good psychiatrist in Denver? Surrounding suburbs ok, but not too far out. I've searched the green alredy for answers but some are too old and none seem quite right. Mainly I need meds management.

Chief complaints: dysphoria/chronic depression 30+ years, big anxiety, vicious PMDD. I define a "good" psychiatrist as one who doesn't make too-quick diagnoses but actually listens to what I have to say and understands that I'm the one taking the pills, ergo it has to be a joint decision as to what we decide to try. I'm not new at this game, as you can see. TIA, hive.
posted by scratch to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
I like Dr. Randolph Pock. (303) 322-0313. He's in Cherry Creek.

I mostly see him for medication management, but he does therapy as well, and I've taken him up on it a couple times.

I went to see him after being shuttled around five doctors at Kaiser. I told him what I was on, and he listened. For the parts I was happy with, he just refilled my prescriptions. We haven't done much changing of meds, but I feel like I have the reins in my treatment.

He seems to be up to date on his research re: side effects, etc, and has reacted well when my experiences don't line up with what the PDR says.
posted by freshwater at 1:23 PM on August 13, 2010

Thanks, fresh!
posted by scratch at 4:18 PM on August 13, 2010

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