August 3, 2010 4:48 PM

Are there any websites, web applications, widgets, or really anything at all that change on a regular basis (like some of the Gmail themes)?

I've recently become obsessed with the Gmail and iGoogle "Tea House" (warning: spoilers!) theme, not only because it's darn cute but also because it provides something new and fresh for for me to look at (and look forward to) when I check my email (I don't get much email).
I've been trying to find other sites or software or 'virtual pets' that change in similar ways, like a sunrise or brightness in the morning and darkness at night, live local weather, or a character that moves around doing different stuff throughout the day, and that sort of thing. I'm having trouble googling for this - searching for 'desktop window' (ha ha) actually brought me to YoWindow which is neat, and I remember that day/night changes were a minor feature of the Petz 2 and 3 games that I really enjoyed. Are there any other things - software, websites, desktop widgets, or anything! - that have this effect? (Looking out a real window doesn't count.) Thanks!
posted by ghostbikes to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
The Reddit alien sure gets around. (previously)

You may also want to look into other dynamic themes for iGoogle.
posted by Rhaomi at 5:22 PM on August 3, 2010

Here's a directory of Virtual Pets. Note: I can't vouch for that site...hope you have a virus scanner :)
posted by circular at 5:34 PM on August 3, 2010

Definitely check out dynamic themes for iGoogle and set that to be your browser homepage. That way you'll see the changes often. Mrs. mmascolino is pretty fond of the theme called Spring Scape. I still occasionally here her shriek with joy as she overwhelmed with cuteness by some new thing that the little frog and lady bug are doing.
posted by mmascolino at 5:35 PM on August 3, 2010

Bing has a different image each day, with tagged areas inside of it giving links to web searches about facts related to the image. obviously.
posted by codacorolla at 5:54 PM on August 3, 2010

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