Help integrate website with facebook open graph
July 30, 2010 8:18 PM

I've added a plugin to my wordpress site that allows people to "like" posts. I also tend to promote the posts on facebook by adding links, which also generates "likes" in facebook. These like counts differ and are not integrated whatsoever. Whats the proper to integrate my organization's facebook page and our website so as to better cross promote content and integrate the social functions (like, comments etc) so that a "like" or comment on one also shows up on the other?

I'm skilled at installing and configuring and occasionally hacking wordpress plugins, but I can not seem to understand which of the many available open graph wordpress plugins gets me closest to this concept of tighter integration. Help?
posted by jlowen to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Start here: and click the Add Facebook to My Site button. It will give you the basis and will also get you to a wiki with more advanced details.
posted by msbutah at 8:53 PM on July 30, 2010

Per default the Facebook Like button counts likes for the current page (URL) only. You can configure it to count a specific URL instead, e.g. your

In general clicking the like button will (might, actually) appear in your friends' news stream. If you want to have a central point of contact on facebook as well, you should use your facebook page. As far as I know there's currently no way to have a button (only) on your website that directly counts "likes" for your facebook profile. You could however have a link, that looks like the button, which links to your profile, then ask people to "like you" there.

Facebook also has premade "badgets" for likes and pages.

Or is there a better way?
posted by oxit at 11:25 PM on July 30, 2010

Integration is tricky in this sense. Facebook considers a URL a likable thing, so when I link you to this cake contest entry you should see a Like button on the left side.

Liking this will like THIS SPECIFIC URL.

When I posted about this entry on my Facebook Page, that was considered a "Share", as all posted links/items are.

Shares and Likes are represented in your organization's Insights page. Further, your Facebook Page will have its own insights tab, and you can establish a separate Insights page for the domain name itself. So for me, I have the Threadcakes Page insights and the Insights. They are disparate and obnoxious.

The issue is that you can't simply make everything a Share, since it requires further action on the part of the user and, pound for pound, people are less likely to Share than to Like.

Further, if you click Like on a website (like the entry's actual page), it prompts you to say something about the Like. If you DO leave a comment, your Like converts into a Share and the world appears broken to you in the madness.

The way *I've* chosen to mitigate this is by using the Facebook Activity Feed embed on the home page to show what activity is occurring on the Threadcakes Facebook Page, and to cross promote the page so that people know to Like it as well.

You can set the URL for any Like in the Like button markup, including making a Like of the Facebook page, but this will drive stream traffic to your Facebook page and not to your website, which may not be what you're looking to accomplish.

(Sorry that this is confusing, and mods, if the self-links are problematic, nix them I guess, but they're rather illustrating the point, I think.)
posted by disillusioned at 12:59 AM on July 31, 2010

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