Smartboard and Snow Leopard Macintosh
July 19, 2010 1:14 PM

Does anyone know how to install Smartboard software, so that it works with a Macintosh on Snow Leopard?

I have friends that can use their Smartboard 10 software on their Macintoshes that are running OS 10.6.x, so I have to assume it is possible. However I have yet to be able to install the software (Smartboard notebook) on my MacBook, which it does successfully without getting an error when trying to run the installed program. The error message says: "Smart Notebook has encountered an error in processing program settings. Reinstall Smart Notebook to restore default settings."
I've tried re-installing, uninstalling and re downloading and nothing works. Are there known issues with preferences or extensions from other programs that I should be aware of?
I'm not connected to a smartboard, though that hasn't been a problem prior to Snow Leopard.
Any thoughts would help.
posted by hdh to Technology (5 answers total)
Are you installing the most recent version from SMART, released back in January? This version, 10.6, works fine with Snow Leopard on the several hundreds of Snow-Leopard MacBook Pros I've set up for my faculty.
posted by at 1:22 PM on July 19, 2010

I have the latest software and it still gives me the same error. Something is conflicting with it.
posted by hdh at 4:25 PM on July 19, 2010

Could you create a new user and try it from there? That would help you figure out if it's something in your user or in your system that is conflicting.
posted by olecranon at 4:49 PM on July 19, 2010

Sounds like a corrupted prefs file or registry file, as olecranon suggests. This forum thread suggests the same. Create a new user and see if the problem persists in this test user. If not, then you can focus on dumping your Smart .plist files and allowing them to regenerate upon re-install/relaunch.
posted by at 6:23 PM on July 19, 2010

Smarttech gave me the solution.
Step 1:
Download and/or double click on the attachment (
Mac OS will automatically extract a file with an Notebook Icon that has a broom and a dustpan on it.

Step 2:
Double click to launch, this instance will bounce in the dock for a second and it should launch and the user will be prompted to backup their “My Content” Folder and enter their username and password.

Step 3:
It may take a minute or two to uninstall everything. When it finishes, it will give you confirmation that your Uninstall was successful.

Step 4:
Please reinstall your software from the link below:
posted by hdh at 4:34 PM on August 19, 2010

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