How to find party site?
June 30, 2010 11:51 AM

Pre-planning San Francisco Pride 2011 -- accessible sites near parade route?

I just hosted my "Embrace the Rainbow" Pride 2010 party, and fun was had by all. But given my many friends who need a wheelchair accessible site, and my inaccessible apartment (like 99.9 percent of apartments in San Francisco), I'd like to move my Pride Sunday event next year to an accessible rented or borrowed space. Since I'm moving the event, it would make sense to be near or around the parade route (Market Street between Beale/Davis and Hyde/Eighth). Any suggestions? Do I look on Craig's List or start calling hotels, or? I've never done anything like this before.
posted by ClaudiaCenter to Grab Bag (1 answer total)
We have a friend who had this job where one of the perks was a suite at the Palace Hotel, and she always chose the first-floor suite at the corner of 2nd and Market on Pride sunday. It was a great way to see the parade, although I don't know how visibility would be for people in wheelchairs (in my memory, the window ledges were quite wide).

You might also start a conversation with the organizers, to see if they'd be open to the idea of an accessible viewing spot.
posted by rtha at 12:20 PM on June 30, 2010

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