I would trade two Veronica Belmonts for her
June 25, 2010 5:09 PM

Can you identify this female standup comic I saw briefly in the early '90s with a funny, very Southern routine?

I saw her on one of those brick-wall-comedy shows. She was a heavy white lady; she had short curly helmet hair and wore polyester pants with a gem sweater. She opened her routine with a deadpan, "How many a' y'all here are from Brooklyn? I know I am." (That struck me as awesome, because, even as a kid, I had noticed that stand-up comedian ladies were always from Brooklyn, and I felt left out.)

She had not only a Southern accent, but particularly a central Mississippi or Arkansas accent. My family also loved her routine, and we retold her story about how "I had to go down there and move my grammaw out of her trailer -- her and her little grammaw-dog, you know, a chihuahua the size of a scuba tank. We have to get her another dog every two years, 'cause she feeds 'em baloney and Velveeta cheese every day . . ."

She was unique, but back in those days that wasn't much help for a career, and I can't remember ever seeing her again. Does anyone remember her name, and if she did well?

(All I can be sure is that it wasn't Brett Butler; she was pretty funny before the crazy and all, but this lady did not have that kind of hair.)
posted by Countess Elena to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
You are looking for Etta May, who bills herself as "Your Wal-Mart Nightmare".

"I tole the doc the kids was stressin' me out so he gave me some of that Valium. Works like a charm. Crush some a them pills up and put it in their sippy-cups and the little bastards don't bother me all day."
posted by BitterOldPunk at 5:25 PM on June 25, 2010

....and it SUCKS that a second-rate comic like Larry the Cable Guy gets huge while Etta May, who is much much funnier and pointed, languishes in obscurity when they have pretty much the same schtick.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 5:37 PM on June 25, 2010

Thanks for that -- good to see she's still working!

some times when metafilter could not see I have watched the blue collar comedy tour and I laughed
posted by Countess Elena at 5:41 PM on June 25, 2010

Thank you for asking this question. She's brilliant.
posted by Phire at 5:51 PM on June 25, 2010

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