I'm burning up inside!
June 22, 2010 1:57 PM

[Potential TMI and NSFW Filter] I'd like some advice on preventing UTIs.

YANMD; You are a lady who has had similar problems.

I've just started getting UTIs (3-5 depending on whether the infection went away or subsided) starting last summer, and while I'm feeling better for the moment, I'd like some basic prevention tips.

I know some basics:

- Drink lots of fluids
- Don't hold your pee for too long
- Pee before and after sex
- Wipe from front to back (I've done this since I was potty trained, still shocked that people don't)
- Wash with water or products specifically meant for lady parts*
- Cranberry pills help prevent bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urethra**
- Condoms with (some types of?) spermicide have been known to cause (or maybe correlated with) UTI

That's all I can think of for now. Please let me know if any of this is not true. I've been researching this constantly, but you never know with the internet.

*Do you have any specific recommendations for cleansing products? Should I use moist wipes? Recommendations?
**I haven't started using cranberry pills yet. Do you have a recommendation?

Is it true that you can get a yeast infection from the antibiotics messing around with the healthy bacteria in your vagina? I haven't had that problem (yet), but should I be on the look out for that? Is yogurt enough to prevent a yeast infection?

Also, I want to be clear: I do NOT have an STD. My results from cultures have shown some levels of bacteria. I've been tested, and I'm fine. I am scheduled for an ultra sound.

Ideally, I'd like to never have an UTI again. I'm very interested in getting an IUD and I'm concerned that I won't be able to if I keep getting them. I'm also concerned for my health in general. Please help! Throw away email: imburningupinside@gmail.com

posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (41 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
How's your blood sugar? Recurrent UTIs can be a sign of high blood sugar.
posted by amyms at 2:02 PM on June 22, 2010

I have heard that eating yogurt with lots of nice live culture can help. I do not know if this is confirmed though. I do this after I've been on antibiotics to help get my gastrointestinal tract happy again.

Wear cotton undies.
posted by sciencegeek at 2:05 PM on June 22, 2010

Those all sound like good tips. What I've heard about spermicide is that it can irritate certain people. I don't have a strong reaction but I prefer condoms without.

You can also drink cranberry juice which I've found helpful during a UTI as well though I don't get them very frequently and, in fact, it's been years since I've had one. The only major change that I made when I got a couple back in college was to make sure and use the bathroom shortly after sex. And, of course, good hygiene but I have never used wipes. I don't think I'd want to do that unless specifically recommended by a doctor. (Also, wipes called "flushable" have been known to cause plumbing problems so...another factor to consider.)

Sounds like you have a doctor's appt coming up. Bring this list and discuss thoroughly. Good luck! These things are the worst!
posted by amanda at 2:07 PM on June 22, 2010

Is it true that you can get a yeast infection from the antibiotics messing around with the healthy bacteria in your vagina? I haven't had that problem (yet), but should I be on the look out for that? Is yogurt enough to prevent a yeast infection?
Yes, that can happen as result of the antibios killing off the good guys along with the bad guys. The "flora" in your vagina live in a somewhat delicate balance and I usually take some form of acidophillus when I'm on antibiotics to try to stave off the resulting yeast problems.
posted by otherwordlyglow at 2:08 PM on June 22, 2010

I, unfortunately, seem to also be particularly prone to UTIs.

I was advised by my doctor to NOT use cleaning products (as stoneweaver already mentioned) or even to clean with anything other than your hand and water. Avoid bubble baths. Other than peeing after sex and staying away from spermicide, there's little I have found that reliably works.

Then just stay vigilant with your habits, stock up on those pain meds that turn your pee orange, and wait for this with me.
posted by citywolf at 2:11 PM on June 22, 2010

Some ideas that have helped me:
In addition to peeing after sex, wash your lady bits, as well. I've never had a problem using a gentle body wash, but just water may help.
If I feel the slighted tinge of pee-pain, I push the fluids big time.
Avoid caffeine.
I've never used cranberry pills, but I might take one or two anesthetic pills (like Uristat) to kill the pain while I push the fluids. Note, however, that doctors may not be able to test your urine if it still has dye from the pills.
I have had yeast infections from antibiotics, which can create a vicious UTI--antibiotics--yeast infection cycle. Yogurt and probiotics helped. Trying to prevent the UTI and avoid the antibiotics if possible is the best bet.
This is a very uncomfortable problem, and it was my experience that doctors wanted to just give me pills without explaining how to prevent. Good luck!
posted by TrarNoir at 2:14 PM on June 22, 2010

I cannot stress the cranberry enough. Drinking enough cranberry juice to get the benefits is almost impossible, however, as you will make yourself good and nauseous by drinking quarts of unsweetened cranberry juice.

Right now I take the CVS brand cranberry supplement (450 mg) which includes probiotics and Vitamin C. The labels says "Compare to AZO Cranberry," FWIW. You can take up to six tablets in a day, but I've been fine stopping at four. Here's the thing: you must, must take these before sex, preferably a few hours before, otherwise you're giving the bacteria a chance to get a toehold and you have to fight the whole infection cycle all over again. If you take the cranberry daily, that eliminates a lot of potential planning.

Spermicide gives me fierce, fiery UTIs without exception, but that's just me.

If you're using condoms, make sure that they fit your gentleman friend properly and are not rolled down in such a way that the unrolled part is jabbing you in the urethral opening, as this does not help.

Pee immediately after sex. Immediately, like within two minutes. Yes, it kind of kills the mood, but so does writhing around on the bathroom floor in pain because you didn't do it.
posted by corey flood at 2:19 PM on June 22, 2010

So you're mostly talking about UTI's, so I'm not sure where the yeast infection stuff is coming from. Those are two different things. And, I can't imagine how an IUD (in your uterus) would affect UTI's (urinary tract infections). Do you have yeast infection problems too?
posted by rabbitrabbit at 2:27 PM on June 22, 2010

I was told by a urologist to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners.
posted by decathecting at 2:31 PM on June 22, 2010

I, too, take cranberry supplements daily as a preventative measure. When I first start to sense symptoms of a UTI, I immediately start drinking uva ursi herbal tea. Uva ursi is a traditional "bladder tonic" and I have found it to be extremely effective in knocking out UTIs at the early stages, and eliminating the need for antibiotics. You can buy it as a loose tea or in teabags and follow the package instructions. Generally, I will drink it one to three times a day, with about 1.5 teaspoons of tea per cup of water. However, of course, if your UTI seems to be progressing, and if you get any more severe symptoms such as fever, chills, etc, you need to see a doctor immediately.
posted by Ladysin at 2:32 PM on June 22, 2010

The peeing immediately before and afterwards is key, as is the cranberry. I am also prone to the damn things and have found that the peeing thing really helps although, yes, it sucks to leap out of bed and head for the bathroom. Oh well. I find that I have gotten them recurrently with some lovers and not with others and honestly, although this is pure anecdata, I believe it's one of those situations where bigger is really not better. Vary your position a lot; try to avoid kind of endless repetitive grind.

On a non sexually related note, given that you're getting them in the summer and just in case you haven't heard this one, do not sit around in a wet bathing suit ever, ever, ever. And, although you probably already know this too, thongs are bad.
posted by mygothlaundry at 2:40 PM on June 22, 2010

Cut your unsweetened cranberry juice with Fresca. It's caffeine-free and makes the entire thing into a nice spritzer instead of a chore.
posted by Medieval Maven at 2:48 PM on June 22, 2010

Yeah, also wondering if you're talking about yeast infections too.

Either way, happy lady parts tips:

Only wash with water. An extra shower/rinse after workouts, sex, swimming, etc, can be a good idea. (Bidets would be awesome if you have one) Be sure that you are dry down there before getting dressed, even take a hair dryer on cold to ya' bits if you're in a rush.

Make sure you're wearing loose breathable fabrics around your crotch as much as possible. It's also a good idea to wear no underwear or just a night gown to bed. Bacteria thrive in warm moist places.

Spermicide = evil fire demons. Sorry every sex-ed teacher since 6th grade. No idea what vaginas you were talking about but spermicides don't agree with most.
posted by fontophilic at 2:48 PM on June 22, 2010

One other thing that I have seen mentioned a few times is not just peeing, but making sure that you have peed completely. As in, wait a few seconds and try to pee again. Repeat until nothing comes out.

UTIs are miserable. I hope you find some combination of approaches that work.
posted by aniola at 3:03 PM on June 22, 2010

Also try to make sure whatever hands (yours, partners) are clean when frequenting the area! Sometimes an quick anatomy review can help make sure that there isn't excessive rubbing in the wrong place! Lots of water/cranberry always would be a good habit. I know that I can feel one coming pretty early now, at just irritated, not infected... Flushing usually works. Pay attention and catch it early!
posted by Swisstine at 3:06 PM on June 22, 2010

Remember that what you normally find in the grocery is actually cranberry juice cocktail, which has a crapload of apple or grape juice in it. I recently purchased some 100% cranberry juice and boy is it gross. I do shots of it for UTI treatment/preventative.
posted by mrsshotglass at 3:06 PM on June 22, 2010

Some laundry detergents can cause enough of a burning sensation that you think you have a UTI when you might not. Try some "free" detergent for a few loads to see if this is the case for you.

Also, no idea if this is actually true, but it seems to make sense: Consider avoiding thong underwear. The thinking is that it creates an express lane for bacteria to travel back to front.
posted by sageleaf at 3:07 PM on June 22, 2010

I had recurrent enough UTIs that my doctor prescribed low-dose prophylactic antibiotics. The instructions say to take a pill right after sex, every time, but I've found that I can usually recognize the very, very early signs and just take one then to stop it in its tracks. This minimizes my antibiotic use, which is crucial since I also tend to get yeast infections. The antibiotic in question is Macrodantin, and once I started on it I went from monthly UTIs (or worse) to none. If you're prone to UTIs and you're serious about never having another one again, post-coital antibiotics will do the trick.
posted by ootandaboot at 3:35 PM on June 22, 2010

My gynecologist says that irritation can act like a UTI. Are you getting cultures to verify that you've actually got an infection, or are they just doing the instant test that tests for (IIRC) white blood cells in the urine? Apparently the instant test may be a false positive, even if you've got all the symptoms of a UTI.

Conditions that I know of that may cause irritation that can mimic UTI: vaginal vestibulitis, vaginal atrophy. There are probably more.
posted by galadriel at 3:53 PM on June 22, 2010

**I haven't started using cranberry pills yet. Do you have a recommendation?


You should also be aware that you can have a UTI without having any symptoms. Just because the constant urgent need to pee stops doesn't mean that it's gone. You may have the same infection just resurfacing over and over. Make sure to get tested after the symptoms are gone to make sure it's actually been dealt with by the antibiotics.
posted by heatherann at 4:14 PM on June 22, 2010

I had UTI's from age 9 frequently until finally in my sophomore year I ended up with such a bad case of it my lower back and kidneys were in agony so I went to a urologist. They discovered that the valves from the bladder to the ureter leading to the kidneys had a congenital defect - they were oval shaped rather than V shaped as they should be and so urine was being forced back up due to pressure ont he bladder. Bla bla bla lots of medical stuff from 25 years ago later, the bottomline was that they did an minor operation to dilate the urethra to ease the pressure and also taught me some procedures including those mentioned already in the thread.

Suggest you go see a urologist and get your urinary system and kidneys checked out as well

I haven't had an UTI since then.
posted by infini at 4:18 PM on June 22, 2010

Similar to avoiding thongs: wearing pants/shorts without underwear can lead to UTIs.

Sitting still for long stretches of time can lead to UTIs also. My gyn said that, for desk workers, getting up from the computer and walking around during the workday can help.

Similar to what aniola said: I had a college roommate whose dad was a pharmacist and she told us that he told her that the secret to avoiding UTIs was to pee out every last drop until you can't wring out one more.

More anecdata specifically about UTIs/sex: I had a friend who was in a long-distance relationship across states. Her BF came into town every 2-3 months, visited for a week or two, and then skedaddled. She got a UTI afterward without fail, which at first we always just snickered and assumed was honeymoon cystitis (UTI caused by lots of sex).... but eventually her gyn suggested that it was a case of absence not making the urethra grow fonder:

Basically, the BF would come in every quarter with his pantsful of foreign bacteria and mess up her ecosystem, but not regularly enough for her to build up the mild "immunity" to him that anyone else in a regular sexual relationship would. Apparently after a few months of regular sex with a new partner, the body stops trying to fight the other person off, figures out that this is an ongoing thing, and adapts with antibodies.

So sayeth one doctor in Austin, Texas in the 90's, anyway. YUMV.
posted by pineapple at 4:37 PM on June 22, 2010

This used to be a big problem for me, and then pretty much disappeared -- for whatever hope that offers you, anonymous.

2nd looking into the prophylactic antibiotic idea.

About real cranberry juice being gross: try a dash of the concentrate mixed with ginger ale. Very nice.

The pale yellow clear baby body wash (not shampoo -- the "wash" -- generic is fine) is, I feel, as good as it gets. As already mentioned, wash afterwards (if not before as well -- experiment here).

Do not overlook lube. Find a plain water-based that you like and don't be stingy (again, wash afterwards).

If you end up in trouble in spite of it all -- pee while sitting in a hot bath.
posted by kmennie at 4:53 PM on June 22, 2010

I hate UTIs. Hate hate hate them. I got to the point this past year where they were constant, and awful. I won't stand for that shit. I did the cranberry, did the peeing, all of that. Whatever. I now take nitrofurantoin after I have sex and have been UTI free since then. I am usually someone who is cautious about antibiotics, but this is a situation where it is completely worth it for me. If you are getting UTIs this often, you may have chronic UTIs and antibiotics merit looking into. Best of luck!
posted by Polyhymnia at 4:57 PM on June 22, 2010

I'm told that a tea made from fresh or dried sage helps. I don't know if that's true, but it's yummy...

(I searched this page to see if somebody else had already suggested it, and I just got sage leaf's username!)
posted by wyzewoman at 5:13 PM on June 22, 2010

In addition to everything you are doing, now that I make my partner wash himself every time before we have sex, I have greatly decreased my UTI frequency. To like, basically zero, except one freak time when I was on a tropical vacation and both having a lot of sex, quite dehydrated, and drinking a lot of alcohol. I seem to be particularly susceptible to whatever bacteria he naturally carries around, because this was an issue for years before we hit upon the washing up prior routine.
posted by ch1x0r at 5:42 PM on June 22, 2010

Don't drink soda or sugary drinks -- I had years of problems which completely stopped after I quit drinking soda pop.
posted by jenmakes at 5:47 PM on June 22, 2010

Cran-Max and always peeing after sex have kept me UTI free for years. If I ever get a hint of painful pee, I double the dose for three days and have no further problems.
posted by freshwater at 5:54 PM on June 22, 2010

Seconding making your partner wash before sex, especially if they have a foreskin and tend to get a little sweatier than usual. The difference between frequent UTIs and not having any for years can be just in how much and how well your partner washes.
posted by meepmeow at 6:05 PM on June 22, 2010

An ill fitting diaphragm can lead to UTIs.
Of course, that may not apply to your situation.
posted by SLC Mom at 6:54 PM on June 22, 2010

I can't drink too much cranberry juice, because it's so acidic, so my doctor recommended u-tract mannose instead. A teaspoonful in a small glass of water every morning - during periods of frequent sexytimes - has kept me UTI-free for 10 years.
posted by elizardbits at 6:57 PM on June 22, 2010

I have an IUD and I'm not sure why getting UTIs would prevent you from having one put in - the doc I had was aware of my persistent UTI problems and didn't say anything at all, for what it's worth.

There's great advice here, I, personally, take Bactrim as a preventative measure after foolin around so that I haven't had a UTI in AGES. I second Polyhymnia's POV.
posted by oreonax at 7:25 PM on June 22, 2010

Bubblebaths are a trigger, too.
posted by miss patrish at 8:19 PM on June 22, 2010

I am nth-ing the no special lady parts wash, just water. If you are using lube, choose a water based and water soluble one. Cranberry juice, though not my favorite, is superawesomewonderful in keeping UTIs at bay. So yeah, all this is covered.

Black tea, coffee, and alcohol dehydrate the body faster. See if you can switch to herbal tea, etc, if applicable. I find that drinking hot water is very helpful when I first feel an irritation.

Your doctor can still test for bacteria in your urine even if the pee is bright orange, at least according to three different doctors whom I visited before.

Also, asparagus! It flushes your system, gets rid of whatever is brewing in there. Yeah, that's why the pee smells so funny after you eat asparagus. Though asparagus tea is taking it too far. Yes, it gets rid of this nasty infection really quickly, but it's sooo gross! Ick!
posted by copperbleu at 12:15 AM on June 23, 2010

Is it true that you can get a yeast infection from the antibiotics messing around with the healthy bacteria in your vagina?

Definitely true!
posted by The Toad at 12:25 AM on June 23, 2010

Definitely try the cranberry pills - they really do make a difference - I try to take one or two with every meal. I've heard that avoiding citrus (at least while you have the UTI) is helpful, but I'm not completely sure that's true, I do it anyway.

And (I think I might have read this on MeFi), one of the ingredients in Alka-seltzer is the same as the main ingredient in most cystitis relief sachets, plus it contains asprin for pain relief. I usually keep some handy just in case.
posted by featherboa at 1:55 AM on June 23, 2010

Hello, IANYD, just wanted to add in...
you've received lots of good advice so I won't really add much to that, if you're doing all this you should be pretty well set prevention wise.

Just wanted to reassure you that UTIs don't have anything to do with IUD placement. The main contraindication to IUD placement is risk of STDs, because the strings of the IUD come down from the uterus and out of the cervix, and so provide a nifty little climbing rope for bacteria from the vagina to get up there and cause more serious infections. As long as you are monogamous and practicing safe sex, there should be no reason you can't get an IUD, although some more 'old school' OB/GYNs don't like to place them in women who have never had children. That practice is falling away and a lot of women with no children are getting them these days.

To prevent yeast infections associated with UTI treatment antibiotics, I recommend using the antibiotic Macrobid (nitrofurantoin, also called Macrodantin). This antibiotic focuses directly on your urinary system and so is much less likely to cause yeast infection or diarrhea than something like Bactrim or Cipro, because it doesn't get into the intestinal system/vagina. I will qualify that statement by saying that some UTIs cannot be treated with Macrobid, but if you are a young healthy woman otherwise with typical UTIs, Macrobid could be a very reasonable choice.
posted by treehorn+bunny at 4:40 AM on June 23, 2010

Yes, I would recommend cranberry pills (I asked at a health food store which type they recommended - whatever it was, Cranmax? they worked well) over cranberry juice. I drink the straight cranberry juice, too, but it's so acidic that I once chugged so much I made myself ill. So, yes, a daily cranberry pill can really help, and daily acidophilus or other yogurt-type probiotic just to prevent the UTI-yeast cycle is also good. I no longer have to take them both all of the time, but I keep them on hand for times when I need them.
posted by ldthomps at 5:08 AM on June 23, 2010

I used to get UTIs, but haven't in ages now. Here's what helped:

Develop an addiction to grapefruit juice, or something else acidic. Drink it a lot. Drink lots of water, too. Avoid soda.

Cranberry pills! Any brand, it doesn't matter. I don't take them regularly; I just keep them around and pop one whenever I start to feel the slightest twinge of proto-UTI-ish pain.

I find myself needing the cranberry pills mostly when I travel and can't get my regular acidic juice hit every morning.
posted by Eshkol at 8:04 AM on June 23, 2010

Something that seemed to really make a difference for me what removing my tampon before peeing. If it's in, I don't get all the pee out.

Also, you may not be all the way clearing them up. Make sure your doctor does followup to be sure the infection is all the way gone from your system. It may take an extra round of antibiotics.
posted by wallaby at 9:15 AM on June 23, 2010

Switching from lots of coffee to small amounts of tea, and cutting down on booze, helped me greatly with UTIs.
posted by The corpse in the library at 1:08 PM on June 24, 2010

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