Blogging an "Under wraps"
June 9, 2010 10:09 AM

Ideas -- pros and cons -- for turning a book-turned-teleplay project into a blog.

I wrote a book several years ago. It sold moderately well. I'm now working with an established playwright, turning the book into a teleplay that our agent will represent. While reading Hugh McLeod's very excellent book of 'tips' for creative artists and how they might make a success of their projects (no, it's not a Tony Robbins-like hyper-fest), he stresses the importance -- nowadays -- of blogging; putting one's concept 'out there' so others are alerted and intrigued. I like that notion, but I'm trying to figure out how one would blog about a project that she doesn't want filched, and yet still keep it informative and genuine and on-topic.
posted by zenpop to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
the example of We Love You So comes to mind, the official blog for the Where The Wild Things Are movie ...

The film represents years of work from hundreds of different artists, writers, photographers, musicians, actors, and creators of all degrees.

This place has been established to help shed some light on many of the small influences that converged to make this massive project a reality.

posted by philip-random at 10:12 AM on June 9, 2010

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