Pay sales tax directly to DMV?
June 1, 2010 11:33 AM

So I'm er.. writing a short story about a character who wonders whether there's any way to register a used car (for which he's paying w/ cash) without having to pay the sales tax TO THE DMV on that same day.

The character in the story is buying the car from a civilian-- found it on craigslist-- and the seller is giving him a bill of sale. The state is Vermont. character really doesn't want to do anything illegal (read: obvious/traceable), but he isn't looking to arbitrarily fork over another few bills.

The way he sees it, he's buying a car from a dude four towns over, then paying for registration. You think this same character sends a few dollars to Washington every time he makes $20 mowing the neighbor's lawn? As author, I can tell you "no. He doesn't."

What would you how would you write this chapter?
posted by herbplarfegan to Law & Government (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: come ON. This is a "help me break the law" question and the nudgey winky part doesn't help. -- jessamyn

In Pennsylvania, you can "gift" a car to someone.

In your story's situation: The character gives the seller the money. He tells the seller to lie and say it was a gift. When they switch over the title/registration, there are no taxes because he didn't "pay" for it, as far as they know.

Check if it's the same for Vermont?
posted by Lizsterr at 11:37 AM on June 1, 2010

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