Phrases for product categories in a catalog?
May 27, 2010 5:54 PM

Ideas for marketing/advertising slogans for categories of products in a catalog?

I'm not looking for brand catchphrases like "Coke is it!" so much as I'm looking for more subtle headlines to introduce product categories in a catalog.

For instance, I looked at the web page for Honda Power Equipment, and they're using things like "Reliable, Durable Power" and "Power meets Portability". That's exactly the sort of stuff I'm looking for. Simple and descriptive.

I would not be seeking trademark protection on these, so if they're generic, that's fine (and perhaps even preferable).

I'm trying to brainstorm slogans like those for the following product categories:

Televisions (LCD)
Video (DVD players)
Audio (home theater, stereo systems, car audio, MP3 players, etc.)
Home Appliances (vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, washing machines, etc.)
Mobile Phones (basic flip/slider/candybar, smartphone)
Digital Cameras (cameras, video cameras, picture frames)
Power Equipment (power tools, generators)
Security Systems/Surveillance Equipment (cameras, DVRs)
Batteries (AAA through D; alkaline, super heavy duty, and rechargeable)
Lighting (incandescent and CFL bulbs)

I would GREATLY appreciate any suggestions the hive might have!

posted by holterbarbour to Media & Arts (3 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

How about for Televisions: "Display of Perfection". You know, like display of affection. But its got a great display! Like a play on words.

Okay maybe I'm not cut out for this.
posted by mollyC at 6:56 PM on May 27, 2010

IMHO this is not an answerable question but proper work for a copywriter. Are you sure you're not trying to use Ask for commercial purposes, here?
posted by oxit at 10:03 AM on May 28, 2010

You know what, it looks like I may have committed a breach of AMF etiquette. I'll ask the admins to delete this.
posted by holterbarbour at 8:30 PM on May 28, 2010

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