QuickBooks retail/inventory guru in the hive?
May 25, 2010 8:37 AM

Any retail QuickBooks gurus in the hive? Need to set up summary sales & inventory transactions in QB for a coop grocery trying to get its accounting systems in order. We're processing many sales through Google Checkout. Anyone who can help? If you're in the SF east bay and want to come by, I'll offer food & drink in exchange for your wisdom, and you'd be helping out an idealistic young coop.

I've volunteered to help a young cooperative grocery in the SF Bay Area get accounting systems in place. I know QB like the back of my hand - but mostly for service businesses, not inventory or retail environments. Can anyone help me, or point me to a good tutorial or guide to ensure we set QB up correctly?

We need to better understand how to use QuickBooks in a retail environment where we will not turn on QB's inventory functions, since a separate system manages inventory. However, as a not-for-profit grocery we do have inventory, so we need to make sure correct summary transactions hit the right accounts at various points in the sales cycle. The person who first set up QB really didn't do it right, and I don't want to replicate that mistake.

I'm aware that QB can manage inventory automatically, but only if we're actually using their inventory system...and since we're not tracking individual inventory items in QB, from what I understand we should not use their inventory system. So, we need to enter "bulk" or "batch" transactions at certain points (daily? weekly? monthly?), and I don't know exactly how to do that. Is QB Pro adequate for these needs, or should we definitely purchase QB Premier Retail? I'm sure I'm not the first person do this, and reinventing the wheel seems silly...but I haven't been able to find the right website or resource. The QB website gives me the following hazy guidance: here and here. We're not looking to import transactions, just develop a workflow on an ongoing basis.

While talking to someone would be great, I would also appreciate just a good tutorial or book. I want to be sure I'm setting up the correct accounts in QuickBooks. We need a system so transactions are correctly recorded at various points in the sales cycle. The flow is something like this: We make sales through Google Checkout; Google Checkout gives us $ for one day's sales (but not all the $ apparently, they hold on to some); we order goods from our distributor, we receive goods, pay our distributor, we give goods to customer. Other pieces of the puzzle: Google Checkout's delayed payment systems create additional complexities, and we track taxable vs. nontaxable sales vs. sales tax collected, we should differentiate between revenue and Google Checkout fees, and we have different systems for case sales vs. individual products. Like I said, I'm really good with QB but not on the retail/inventory side, and could use a knowledgeable brain to talk through things.

Any suggestions? C'mon hive!
posted by quinoa to Work & Money (1 answer total)
Doh...bummer no responses at all. Oh well!
posted by quinoa at 4:46 PM on May 25, 2010

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