brief question on cases
May 17, 2010 3:23 PM

Shop like a grownup filter: Please tell me about the best ladies' briefcase you've ever seen. Parameters inside!

I'm looking for a ladies' briefcase to take to court. Mostly it will be used to carry, well, briefs and case files. Occasionally I will use it to move my laptop, which is around 15 inches. I'd like it to be in leather or a similarly professional-looking material. Here's the big wish: that it be detachable from a wheelable frame, since my back and shoulders are recuperating from a roll-over. This is the only thing I've really found on Amazon, but of course I would like some points of comparison or personal recommendations.
posted by motsque to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I'm a huge fan of knomo bags. This one has a wheelable frame with a handle that can be tucked away. I use the non-wheeled version of it as my briefcase, and occasionally for evening events and I absolutely love it: it's easy to carry and durable and it also looks professional.
posted by sueinnyc at 3:38 PM on May 17, 2010

Tumi bags look professional and wear well, and I think I've seen detachable wheels. Good luck!
posted by mozhet at 7:52 PM on May 17, 2010

I know this is very belated, but I thought I could be of some help regardless.

After looking at wheeled briefcases and similar wheeled bags (the prices range from $200 to $500) I would personally recommend getting a separate bag and trolley, instead of a two-in-one, here is why:

1) The two-in-one trolleys only work with the bag it comes with, but if you purchased one meant for luggage, you could also use it while traveling.
2) You can get rid of the trolley altogether when you want to make a big impression when entering court (my mum is a lawyer, and she talks about doing that a lot.)
3) The bag you get will be able to stand alone, a two-in-one, while detachable, are not do not have the aesthetic design other briefcases will have.

My personal recommendation, as someone who is not only very particular about any bag I purchase, but also someone who wants everything to be organized, would be one of the bags from TravelTeq. It is on the price-y end, but a briefcase is an investment piece, and the cost would be money well spent.

I hope I helped!
posted by eldvno at 1:48 PM on May 19, 2010

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