Chicago is a city with lots of deliveries, right?
May 14, 2010 6:23 PM

What can I get for my younger brother, to be delivered and used in Chicago?

My brother is on a short vacation in Chicago, IL this coming week, after graduating from undergrad. I had planned on calling his hotel and buying a few breakfast vouchers as a graduation gift, but the hotel doesn't have a restaurant -- oops! (He's staying at the Inn at Chicago, downtown.)

I'd like to spend about 50 dollars, total, and I'd like the gift to be something he can use or do in Chicago. He's not really a going to a play or show kind of guy; I was definitely thinking the gift should be food-oriented and practical, as well as usable in Chicago. I want the gift to be delivered to his hotel. I was also considering buying a cash card, like from Visa or American Express, but I'm not sure how I could get that to him at the hotel.

I tried to call the concierge but she hasn't been available the last two days. I left messages, but don't expect her to get back to me before Sunday (which is when he arrives). Ideally, I'd like the gift to get there before he arrives or on Monday at the latest. We live in different cities, so I can't give him something before he leaves.

Any ideas?
posted by k8lin to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Does he have access to email? You can send him a virtual gift card to various local Chicago restaurants (Lou Malnati's, Portillo's, and the like) that he can use right away.
posted by ignignokt at 6:42 PM on May 14, 2010

Could you tell us a little more about your brother? Is he a beer-swilling party dude? Or does he like a quiet pub where he can read his book? Will he be alone, with an SO, or with friends?

I have a couple of ideas based on general assumptions about recent college grads - the Cubs are home on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, so you could get him a Cubs bleacher seat on StubHub. Those bleachers are PACKED with his demographic so even if he's alone he would probably have a good time. If he likes pubs, there are several good Irish pubs within walking distance: Fado, Celtic Crossings, and Kerryman.
posted by slmorri at 7:49 PM on May 14, 2010

Sorry, slmorri, I meant to do that and forgot.

I don't think he's a baseball type, or a quiet reading type. He'll be alone. He really likes taking things in and exploring -- he loves tall buildings, interesting neighborhoods, and people-watching. I was thinking about a ticket for the exploratory deck at the Sears Tower or the Hancock building, but I know he has done those in the past, and I don't know if he'd want to do them again.

ignignokt, that's a great find, thanks! I might use that as my fallback if I don't get other options -- I'm worried about buying something that he might not use. If he has to find the restaurant, and it's difficult to get to, etc, I'm worried he wouldn't end up going. That's probably unfounded, but still a concern.
posted by k8lin at 9:45 PM on May 14, 2010

How about a Chicago Architecture Foundation tour? I imagine you could pay online and fax the confirmation to the hotel.

Or how about paying for the entrance fee of the Art Institute, and dinner at The Gage, which is just across the street.
posted by hydrophonic at 9:57 PM on May 14, 2010

I'm up for a challenge so let's get crazy.

I live right outside the city. I would be willing to dress in a werewolf mask and a suit and deliver something strange to his hotel room.

We would both win 1000 internets if you could think of something funny and awesome for me to do.

pm me if you'd like the gift to be awesome. I'm not kidding, either.
posted by allthewhile at 10:05 PM on May 14, 2010

Not sure how long he will be in Chicago, but if he will still be there on Saturday the 22nd, he might like a scavenger hunt by Watson Adventures. I like to do one when I go visit my friend in NYC, I get to explore a neighborhood while using my brain at the same time. (In addition to the scheduled tour on Saturday, they also do private hunts - I bet they could accommodate you if you called.)
posted by slmorri at 5:55 AM on May 15, 2010

Thanks for the offer, allthewhile, but I think I'll have to pass.

I got a friend of mine to deliver a gift card to him today with instructions about using it for food while he's in Chicago (and I found some good restaurants close to where he is staying and had my friend give him a list of them, too). It wasn't as cool as having something delivered while he was in town, but at least I know that he got it and that he likes it.

Thanks, everyone! There were some great ideas in this thread.
posted by k8lin at 8:02 PM on May 15, 2010

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