Help with Apple Aperture?
March 29, 2010 12:25 PM

Help me learn why Aperture, or maybe it's os x, is showing me the wrong files?

I've looked everywhere I could think and can't find the answer to this problem I'm having. I am starting to use Aperture instead of iPhoto because my thousands of photos were getting unwieldy. But now that I'm in Aperture, when I go to upload a photo to flickr (not using aperture's ties to flickr) or if i email a photo, I am getting a photo about 10% the size of the one I want.

This is the info in aperture.

This is the view from finder (I think).

I got to that by sending an attachment in a mail message, navigating to photos, aperture library, then navigating through the library to find the photo. The same thing happens when I am in flickr and go to upload a file. I'm presented with the same type of navigation.

How can I access the full sized version of the file instead of the 10% size file? I didn't see a setting in Aperture that looked obvious. What am I doing wrong?
posted by bDiddy to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
To attach an Aperture image to a message, click the "Photo Browser" button on the toolbar, or choose "Photo Browser" from the "Window" menu. Don't use this attachment paperclip for this.

Aperture 3 has Flickr integration. If you have an earlier version, or need something better than it offers, then get Flickr Export for Aperture.

Everything else
Aperture stores RAW files and only tiny previews on disk; it's probably those that you're seeing. If you want to use the files elsewhere, you probably want them as JPEGs, so export them from the File menu, or if they're already JPEGs just drag them straight from the Aperture window onto the desktop.
posted by bonaldi at 1:41 PM on March 29, 2010


Make sure you have opened Aperture's Prefs

You email/flickr directly from aperture now. Now, I'm using version 3 (no longer v2).

What version of Aperture do you have?
posted by filmgeek at 8:29 PM on March 29, 2010

I'm using Aperture 3. I'll do it all from inside Aperture now.

What I don't understand is Apple put ties to Aperture into the OS now (I assume this is new to v3) much like they did for iLife. But using the ties to the OS gets me the wrong files. Anyway, that's where I got confused. Once I get used to doing it through Aperture, all will be good.
posted by bDiddy at 3:04 AM on March 30, 2010

What I don't understand is Apple put ties to Aperture into the OS now (I assume this is new to v3) much like they did for iLife. But using the ties to the OS gets me the wrong files.

I think it's that you're using the wrong ties: the way iLife is really integrated into the apps is through the media browser (that's what appears in Mail if you hit the picture button; the music pane that appears in GarageBand etc).

What you're doing is trying to access the actual files, which is not what they want you to do, so you're getting counter-intuitive results.
posted by bonaldi at 7:51 AM on March 30, 2010

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