What is this comic strip I used to read back in Russia?
March 26, 2010 7:51 PM   Subscribe

[RussianComicsFilter] What is this comic strip I used to read back in Russia? (NB: Probably did not originate in Russia)

I (well, my grandparents) had the strips collected in a book. It was definitely not a strip meant specifically for children. It featured a skinny little old man getting into all sorts of (mis)adventures. It was very minimalist black and white, with the occasional splash of blue. I specifically remember three strips:

He bangs a hole into a container of DDT only to watch a fly come out.

He is sitting at a bus stop reading a newspaper and a man behind him keeps peeking over. He notices this and raises the paper to give the man a better look.

Something involving peeking in through the keyhole of a ladies' changing room.
posted by griphus to Media & Arts 3 users marked this as a favorite
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