Need help with livestreaming videogames.
March 26, 2010 11:25 AM

Need help with setting up my PC for live streaming video, with an emphasis on high-quality sound and video.

I've been playing with Xfire's live video streaming off and on, but due to a lack of support for every game and program I'd like to share I'm trying out livestreaming with different programs. I'm having issues, though, so I figured I'd come here.

My major questions:

1. What's the best way to capture my screen? I've tried out a few programs and settled on ManyCam, but I'm sure there's a better one. As the following question suggests, it needs to support broadcasting live as if it were a webcam.

2. What's a good site for live streaming? I tried out uStream, but it's got terrible video and sound quality - a friend wanted to see me play a bullet hell game for the first time but (as it was limited to 20fps and had poor quality of video) I quit early.

3. Could there be ways I can improve the quality of either of the above?

For reference, my OS is Windows XP.
posted by flatluigi to Computers & Internet
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