Suggestions for how can I get DeviantART to give me my profits?
March 22, 2010 2:42 PM

Suggestions for how can I get DeviantART to give me my profits?

I used to sell some art on DeviantART but I stopped doing so in October 2009. Their policy is to only pay on a quarterly basis when profits have reached $20.00 or more. Meanwhile, my account has $14.38 that has been sitting unavailable to me, the majority of which would have been earned back in 2008. (They have paid me for all previous sales from sales going back to 2004.)

Their terms say nothing of forfeiture of monies if the business relationship ceases. I sent them the example of closing an accrued interest bank account, in which you lose the previous period's interest but are otherwise given your money to move to another bank. DeviantART said, they will not give me the money due to the cost of transactions--approximately $0.72 by my overestimate of standard low volume Paypal fees. I told them that I would put the $5.62 in so it would be $20; they told me they wouldn't do that.

Any suggestions for twisting an arm into payment?

It's not like I need the $14.38, but it's the principle of the matter.
posted by Outis to Law & Government (13 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't know anything about DeviantArt, although most of my friends that do always urge me to avoid it.

It sounds like they have losses like yours built into their business model, so I somehow doubt they'll give in. However:

Wouldn't it be possible to 'sell' some art on their web site to a friend of yours who's willing to play along with the charade?

Again, I know nothing about DeviantArt, so I don't know if this would be against their rules.
posted by koeselitz at 2:53 PM on March 22, 2010

I've filed small claims based on principal of the matter. Never $14, but I've done it over $50. You could go that route.
posted by letahl at 2:57 PM on March 22, 2010

I'm with koeselitz. "Sell" some art to a friend, or to yourself, to bring the gross up past $20, then cash out. What are they going to do about it?
posted by Faint of Butt at 3:03 PM on March 22, 2010

Selling to a friend or yourself doesn't seem particularly profitable... here is the schedule for payment. To get 5.62 added in, it looks like you'll need to get somebody to pony up $40 or more.
posted by jangie at 3:08 PM on March 22, 2010

I sent them the example of closing an accrued interest bank account, in which you lose the previous period's interest but are otherwise given your money to move to another bank.

The difference is that DeviantART is not a bank account. You agreed to their rules, which I presume were clearly stated at the time. They paid you for years under those rules. It's too bad you wish they were different now. Don't waste time, money, or court resources, trying to get another $14 out of them.
posted by grouse at 3:26 PM on March 22, 2010

Ask if you can put that money towards a purchase on DeviantArt? I know that will probably end up costing you more money, but it's something to consider.
posted by lizbunny at 3:52 PM on March 22, 2010

The cost of a Paypal transaction isn't the only cost to DeviantArt. You have to let them factor in the cost of performing that transaction. Paperwork, staff time, bank transactions... Let it go.
posted by Frasermoo at 5:01 PM on March 22, 2010

The cost of a Paypal transaction isn't the only cost to DeviantArt. You have to let them factor in the cost of performing that transaction. Paperwork, staff time, bank transactions... Let it go.

Paperwork? As far as staff time goes, they'll probably just need to push a button or something. And there wouldn't need to be any bank transaction if they used paypal. Staff time is an issue, but so what? It's his money.
posted by delmoi at 5:31 PM on March 22, 2010

I realize it's stupid to go after this, but I think it's a dishonest practice. I can't go the small claims route because it's under $20, and I likely won't do anything except take the suggestion to use the money to buy something off the site. Still, I figured I'd see if there was a suggestion. Thanks for everyone's input.

Yes, I recognize it's not like a bank account, but my use of the comparison is that I get most of my money when I ask for it since I earned it and the corporation gets to keep some, too. If they gave me my money minus a fee I'd be content. Hell, if they took $5 I'd be happy. Again, principle of the matter.
posted by Outis at 7:53 PM on March 22, 2010

Just buy $5.62 worth of art from yourself and let it go. Life's too short.
posted by flabdablet at 8:39 PM on March 22, 2010

It's not like I need the $14.38

I think your answer follows from the above.

However, if you want to collect, I think you would be more likely to do so if you approached a lawyer about a class-action suit on behalf of all the account holders in your situation, and then had them take up the cause.

I imagine this would consume a great deal of your time and emotional energy, and would not recommend this course.
posted by zippy at 9:02 PM on March 22, 2010

Email The Consumerist?

Even they may not be interested in such a small sum. but they do tend to cover some pretty obscure stuff. And DA is a big enough deal that they may well publish it.

Also, they have a few methods for consumer action that they push. An EECB doesn't seem terribly appropriate, but apparently public shaming, on their facebook wall and twitter, tend to bring fast action.

Then again, if they have a policy in place, then maybe you're just gonna have to forfeit it (or hope people keep buying your art?)
posted by R a c h e l at 9:38 PM on March 22, 2010

Write them and ask to cash out or spend the $6 and get your cash. Life is too short to stress over $20. Either way, move on.
posted by The Light Fantastic at 9:56 PM on March 22, 2010

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