Encrypted email for Mac users using Entourage
March 4, 2010 3:18 PM

Are there any alternatives to Verisign for encrypted email for MacOSX?

We tried Verisign already. It didn't work with Entourage and/or the Exchange server. Their customer service was so abysmal and nonresponsive that we demanded our money back.

It's the organization's executives who use Entourage. From everything I've read, this is a known-bug with Entourage, but I don't think abandoning it is going to be a popular option.

Does anyone else provide Mac-compatible certificates?
posted by mudbug to Technology (5 answers total)
Several years ago I got a certificate from Thawte and it worked with OS X Mail.app. You might want to give that a try. This might be useful.
posted by Cogito at 4:37 PM on March 4, 2010

Thawte's dead. Verisign bought it, and then obliterated all of its utility. :|

Thanks though.
posted by mudbug at 5:02 PM on March 4, 2010

I haven't tried it with email, but I bought a RapidSSL certificate for a web site I operate and it doesn't have any issues with Safari. It's cheap, and they have free test certificates you can try out.
posted by kenliu at 5:05 PM on March 4, 2010

Seconding RapidSSL, I've got a wildcard cert there and another non-wildcard cert and no issues. Use it for IMAP and web servers.
posted by Brian Puccio at 3:18 AM on March 5, 2010

I've used Comodo.com before. They were fast and the customer service was pretty helpful the one time we called them.
posted by anti social order at 7:07 AM on March 5, 2010

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