A search for lore lost to the sands of time...
February 26, 2010 12:53 PM

Anyone know where to find some comprehensive UnrealScript documentation?

A class I am taking at the moment is attempting to make use of the Unreal Development Kit to create some relatively simple projects. As it is a programming class, we are interested in using UnrealScript as the foundation for our levels-- as opposed to Kismet, which for most of us is a cumbersome editor to navigate.

We have found some pretty good introductory resources, for instance:

This official documentation:

This wiki:

And other such resources. What you will notice about the above links, as well as others which are easily accessible via Google, is that while many of them provide a great deal of information about the definition and abstract structure of the language, nowhere is there comprehensive documentation of the various classes, and the functions and variables included therein, included in the language. That is what we need if we are to start really making use of the tools provided us by the UDK.

So, MeFi, are you aware of any decent documentation, more or less on the order of Java's documentation of its structure (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/)? Could be a book, could be a website, we don't care-- perhaps it is hidden somewhere in a site we've already found. But we need help!
posted by Truthiness to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
UDN has a Mastering Unrealscript section but it's licensee only.

I believe it's being released in this book.

Not an actual API ref, but it's what I use when I need to look stuff up.

There's also the UDK wiki which has a sorta API reference.
posted by Lord_Pall at 1:52 PM on February 26, 2010

OP, I'm in the same boat - working on a project with no UnrealScript documentation. Just yesterday we ordered this book, which appears from the description to have a bit of info on the classes themselves (in addition to a whole bunch of 'how to program' stuff that we don't need). It should arrive next week, and I'll post an update.
posted by SuperSquirrel at 4:11 PM on February 26, 2010

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