Podcasts anywhere and anyhow I want 'em, please.
February 24, 2010 7:50 AM

How can I better organize my podcast subscriptions and access them from any computer and my iPhone?

I listen to podcasts at home and at work via iTunes. Sometimes I upload them to my iPhone to listen to on the go.

It's frustrating having two different sets of Podcasts - one at home, one at work. I'd like to have one grand list I can pick and choose what I want to listen to and when. Maybe something like Google Reader for podcasts?

It also seems that iTunes doesn't always give me access to the entire backlog of podcasts - it'd be great to find something that would.

It'd also be great to find an app which would allow me to access via my iPhone, as opposed to uploading the podcasts to my iPhone.

It's entirely possible I'm missing a step with iTunes or an obvious solution.

posted by lucyleaf to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I think Echodio does what you're looking for. I haven't used it myself. If that's not quite it, you might try SlingShot.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 8:08 AM on February 24, 2010

Is there some reason you don't listen to podcasts in Google Reader? You can just add the podcast feed address like you would an rss feed, and a little player shows up that you can listen to.
posted by bluefly at 8:20 AM on February 24, 2010

@ The Winsome Parker Lewis - Thanks for the links, but should have said that I'm on PC's.

@ bluefy - Didn't know I could do that, thanks!
posted by lucyleaf at 8:24 AM on February 24, 2010

Oh, I just read that the Google Reader for the iPhone may not have that little player like it does on the full web version (although, I think there's Google Listen for the Android). Sorry.
posted by bluefly at 8:31 AM on February 24, 2010

Is there any reason you can't subscribe to all your "work" podcasts in iTunes at home, and listen to them on your phone instead of on the computer at the office? And just stop using iTunes at work altogether? If you're using headphones there should be no real difference. You can plug in the phone while working so you don't have to worry about battery life.
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis at 8:53 AM on February 24, 2010

Here's the technical problem with using Google Reader on the iPhone: the mp3 files play through the iPhone's quicktime viewer which is not nearly as functional as the iPod app. Things like drag to FF/RW, 30 second rewind and remembering where you stopped listening are really essential features when listening to hour+ long podcasts.

The biggest problem is that if you lose your connection while playing the podcast, the phone dumps you back to Google Reader and forgets where you were, so you have to click the file again and then scan through the entire podcast to figure out where you were.

I don't have a solution to this, but want to see if that pushes people away from what seems like is becoming the definitive answer: Google Reader. It sucks on the iPhone.
posted by nomad at 10:04 AM on February 24, 2010

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