Does the WD H72 attach to the XHA1 without adapters?
February 9, 2010 4:58 PM

Thinking of getting a wide angle WD - H72 lens add-on for an XH-A1 Digital HD Camera.

The problem is I am unable to find information on whether it just screws right on to the lens or not. Theoretically it should but I remember reading a couple of reviews (sorry, can't find link) of people having trouble attaching it. I am purchasing it online and thus don't want to buy the lens to not have it attach.

As far as the reviews I remember them saying that they were having trouble attaching the wide angle lens. It seems weird since its a 72mm filter and 72mm threaded lens but since I saw it more than once (presumably different people) I thought I would double check. So specifically:

Does the WD H72 attach to the XHA1 without adapters? If it does need adapters, what kind? If it doesn't need adapters is there something that I am missing in the reviews as to why their lens will not attach?

Bonus: Is the WD-H72 a good wide angle lens in your opinion filmmakers and photographers?
posted by occidental to Media & Arts
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