What should I do in Melbourne?
February 1, 2010 9:17 PM   Subscribe

Going to Melbourne (Australia) for 1 week have $400 how should I spend it? Accomodation has been paid...

Wish I had more money. I don't really want to spend it shopping. I want to have some good memories. Links would be nice :)

I know I'm going to walk around for at least 2 days taking photos of the scenery and graffiti. Any good hot spots?
posted by Bacillus to Society & Culture (9 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
When are you going? Even if you don't like sport, cricket at the MCG has great atmosphere, especially if it's a one-day international.
posted by Fiasco da Gama at 9:29 PM on February 1, 2010

You're going to spend about half of that on restaurants.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 9:35 PM on February 1, 2010

Hire a car and drive The Great Ocean Road
posted by Duke999R at 9:36 PM on February 1, 2010

A lot of the places marked out on this map have some decent graffiti.
posted by bunglin jones at 9:55 PM on February 1, 2010

If you're far enough in advance, you can book a dinner in the restaurant-on-a-tram.
posted by rodgerd at 10:19 PM on February 1, 2010

The Great Ocean Road is fabulous, I agree. In Melbourne, Fitzroy and St. Kilda are fun to wander around in.
posted by Kattullus at 11:23 PM on February 1, 2010

A lovely afternoon could be spent walking around the Collingwood/Fitzroy area in the map linked above, and then meandering further down Johnston Street, checking out some galleries and street art on the way. If you walk far enough you will come to the Abbotsford Convent which is a great place to grab something to eat (Lentil As Anything has a 'pay what you feel' policy which should suit your budget) and sit in the gorgeous gardens.

If you can let us know when you will be here, I can help with some more specific suggestions, taking into account the myriad festivals and events and our infamously changeable weather.
posted by birch effect at 11:26 PM on February 1, 2010

The National Gallery of Victoria on St Kilda Road has some free exhibitions (and ones you have to pay to get into as well, like the Ron Mueck exhibition on currently). The Ian Potter Gallery (which is in the city proper) specialises in Australian Art -- I find it a very calm place (when it's not full of school kids).

The Eureka Sky Deck could be an option. It's not too expensive, if you happen to like that sort of thing.

The other thing you can do is drink coffee -- I learned to drink coffee at Pellegrinis but there are many other options which may be well covered by the site with the Pellegrinis info. Sensory Lab claims to be the latest in coffee nerdery if you're into that.

If you're looking at the graffiti in Hosier Lane, you might like a bite at Movida or Movida Next Door
posted by prettypretty at 4:34 AM on February 2, 2010

to begin, a caveat: i have no idea of your interests, other than you wish to photograph graffiti.

from that knowledge, there are a few great (free) galleries around fitzroy. the centre for contemporary photography which used to be on johnston street, but is now on george street, and the gertrude street gallery was always a fave as well. there's also heaps of graffiti around this area.

larger galleries are in the city. one is the national gallery of victoria and an associated gallery is the ian potter gallery. both are free. the second focuses on australian art. i have always enjoyed it more than i thought i would.

scenery spotting? again it depends on what scenery you're looking for. graffiti and abandoned warehouses, or graffiti and panoramic views?

food wise - a fave of mine has always been the shanghai dumpling noodle house just off little bourke street (melbourne's little china). it's about the food, not the service or the decor. also, i have no idea where you're from and whether you will like this suggestion at all, but fish and chips is such an aussie treat! you could go to any cheap place around, but a particularly good place is clamms fast fish in albert park. take the number 1 tram from opposite flinders street (check it out on the public transport page).

if there were more details, like when you're going, and where you're staying i could probably give you some more info. but, i must say, while i grew up in melbourne i haven't lived there for at least five years now. i stand by my recommendations, but i can't provide you with anything that has sprung up in this time.
posted by skauskas at 4:35 AM on February 2, 2010

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