Brewster's Millions
January 13, 2010 9:01 AM

What would the best way to spend 300 million dollars be?

According to the 1985 film version of the book Brewster's Millions, Monty Brewster must spend 30 million dollars in 30 days in order to inherit 300 million dollars. There are some rules: he must get value for money, he cannot destroy anything of value, he cannot accumulate any assets, he can only give 5% to charity and gamble another 5%, and he cannot tell anyone about the challenge.

Let's add a zero to make it more fun. What would the optimum way to do this nowadays, that is to spend 300 million dollars in 30 days?
posted by devnull to Work & Money (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this sounds like chatfilter - maybe better for Big Big Question? -- jessamyn

Would it be considered charity if I bought, say, a plane, and gave it to my father?
posted by craven_morhead at 9:03 AM on January 13, 2010

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